Mouthpiece with the instrument
16:07 on Thursday, July 1, 2004
Are there any manufacturers that include a better mouthpiece in the case rather than the standard plastic? Or does it vary by model? (i.e. Buffet B12 vs. R13)
Re: Mouthpiece with the instrument
21:33 on Thursday, July 1, 2004
Re: Mouthpiece with the instrument
11:07 on Saturday, July 3, 2004
as far as I know, all mouthpiece includes in the buffet clarinet package are of inferior quality,made of plastic, even those include with the R13 or RC prestige. The buyer should buy another better mouthpiece for playing. No advance player or professional plays with mpc came with the instrument.
The Yamaha and Leblanc include better mpc than buffet in the box.
Re: Mouthpiece with the instrument
13:24 on Saturday, July 3, 2004
(Liz Ward)
Hanson include a Vandoren mouthpiece. The clarinets are wonderful too.