What is the best clarinet?
21:12 on Monday, July 26, 2004
What is the best type of Bb Clarinet? (Ex. Buffet, Selmer, Yamaha, Vito) I just want lots of opinions.
Re: What is the best clarinet?
09:28 on Sunday, August 1, 2004
Hmm..... I would have to say its all personal preference. Generally, the big 4 makers are all roughly equal. The big 4 are Buffet, Yamaha, Selmer and Leblanc. Every horn (clarinet) is different. My personal preference is the infamous R-13 Buffet. However, I prefer the older models built in the late 70`s as supposed to the newer ones. Once again, I believe its a matter of preference.
Re: What is the best clarinet?
09:42 on Sunday, August 1, 2004
Play them all. I recently tried out a dozen clarinets. Ended up buying a Buffet Vintage. My opinions follow:
Selmer Signature - muffled tone. Did not project for me.
Lablanc Opus II - tone/sound good. Didn`t like key placement.
Buffet - tried Festival, R-13, Prestige, Vintage. Vintage had the best tone/sound for me. Projected best. I put alot of air into horn (play sax), and the Vintage handled my hot air the best. After 3 months, I still love the horn. I also purchased a new Gennusa mouthpiece after selecting the clarinet I wanted.
Yamaha - I didn`t try one.
Incidentally, I did a blind test on these clarinets (didn`t want brand prejudice to creep in). I also tested several of each model. As said by System Expert in the previous response, it`s personal preference. Try them all and see what you like.
Re: What is the best clarinet?
12:49 on Sunday, August 1, 2004
Asking which is the best out of those four is like asking which is better; Toyota, Honda, Nissan, or Ford.
It all depends on your preference. Just because 90% of all US orchestral musicians play Buffets doesn`t mean you have to.
Re: What is the best clarinet?
07:04 on Thursday, August 12, 2004
Yamahas play decently. the tone is not really clear and the key placement is not very nice either. The only way that I would stick with a yamaha would be if I learned on one.
Re: What is the best clarinet?
01:24 on Friday, August 13, 2004
I learned on a Yamaha, and I play an intermediate Yamaha now. The key placement is perfectly fine, and the tone is very clear and rich and dark. Maybe a different mouthpiece would have helped- I don`t like the ones that come with their instruments.
I don`t particularly like the key placements on Buffet clarinets- I suppose that sort of thing is just what you`re used to.
Re: What is the best clarinet?
06:54 on Friday, August 13, 2004
Hey, I am playing a "Schreiber" D26. I`m from Germany and had the choice between selmer, Buffet Crampon, Yamaha and Schreiber, and I chose the Schreiber, because I felt that it had the warmest and finest sound. But it`s up to you, which you choose. Try all of them and find out which one is the best for you!
Re: What is the best clarinet?
10:49 on Friday, August 13, 2004
(Elizabeth Ward)
Re: What is the best clarinet?
01:44 on Saturday, August 14, 2004
Buffet RC is great. I used to use Yamaha, but it ain`t that good.
Re: What is the best clarinet?
02:26 on Sunday, August 15, 2004
I wouldn`t recomend Leblanc. Howerever, Buffet`s are fantastic I reckon.
Re: What is the best clarinet?
19:20 on Sunday, August 15, 2004
(sadie robar)
Hello I was wondering if you could help me out my 10 yr. old wants to learn to pley the CLARINET and i have no clue what would be the best one for him to learn on . I don`t want to spend alot of money on one untill I see if he can stick it out but I also don`t want to get a hunk of junk that wont sound good if he knew how the play it. So could some one please help me I have no clue Please remember his just 10 yr. and never even held one
clueless mom
Re: What is the best clarinet?
21:12 on Sunday, August 15, 2004
Well good for you, "N". I reckon only an idiot makes a statement like that without backing it up with proper reasons. Have a nice day.
Re: What is the best clarinet?
03:49 on Monday, August 16, 2004
I`m sure he thinks it is unecessary to point out a reason when lots of people agree on that topic. I have heard that Leblanc`s generally aren`t spectacular, though it depends on the person. Lot`s of people would agree with this. A Buffet is always a wise option as many have found them to be extremly reasonable. There`s no need to be rude ....
Re: What is the best clarinet?
19:14 on Friday, August 20, 2004
(Music and Arts, Inc.)
Dear Clueless Mom,
Find a local music store, and start out by renting preferable with the option to trade in later for a step up model. Buffet B12 would be a good sturdy model to start with or even a Yamaha YCL-250. In the beginning, it will sound scary, but in due time, persistence will pay off. Once that starts to happen, you can look into stepping into a wooden model. Buffet makes a very affordable E11 that is quite nice.
Good luck,
Re: What is the best clarinet?
07:31 on Saturday, August 28, 2004
I don`t care for Yahmaha. But i love the Buffet R-13 festival`s great sound!