Learning to play bass clarinet
14:15 on Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Hey everyone!
I recently got accepted into a Youth Orchestra in my area on clarinet. The administration called recently, asking if I would be interested in learning the bass clarinet to play it in one song. Of course, I`m very eager in learning new things, so I said yes. They will provide me with the bass clarinet sometime later this summer.
So... what do I need to know about bass clarinets?
Any help is greatly appeciated.
Re: Learning to play bass clarinet
20:19 on Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Its the same fingerings as the soprano clarinet. It needs a bit more mouthpiece in your mouth and a lot more air.
Re: Learning to play bass clarinet
08:43 on Friday, July 30, 2004
You will probably need softer reeds. I play 3.5 Vandoran V12s on Soprano and 2.5 on bass.
brands of bass clarinets
11:33 on Monday, August 2, 2004
(Jeff K)
I wonder if someone out there can recommend a reliable, decent quality, reasonably priced brand of bass clarinet for an 8th grade student who has played for 4 years. I`m somewhat familiar with Jupiter and Yamaha. Will you comment on those brands and perhaps suggest others that are appropriate? Thanks.
Re: Learning to play bass clarinet
01:43 on Tuesday, August 3, 2004
Re: Learning to play bass clarinet
17:03 on Thursday, August 26, 2004
dude they all play almost the same why dont you go to a store that sell instruments.(sam ash).and ask what kind they have..note:..bring your mouth peice..and see if you can try them..to se what you..like..just keep in mind..they all play basicly the same way..i have a beautuful..20 yr old beuscher..and it is grreat..yet im .in 9th grade..and i now going into a college wind ensemble..so i might need a profesional...get one you like..
heres help
17:57 on Monday, August 30, 2004
(bass player)
when u play the b.c. make sure u have more of an "o"amiture instead of "e".
use a lot more air and more mouth piece.Have fun playing it. it is a great instrument.i`ve been playing it for 7 years.
Re: Learning to play bass clarinet
03:48 on Tuesday, August 31, 2004
bassplayer - Do you mean embouchure rather than amiture?
Jeff K - Get your own thread!!
Re: Learning to play bass clarinet
18:45 on Saturday, September 25, 2004
Yeah, keep your embouchure a little more loose when you play, keep more of the mouthpiece in your mouth, don`t puff out your cheeks, keep the instrument vertical, make sure to really tuck your bottom lip under as far as you can, and use softer reeds. I, for one, can`t play 3.5`s so I use a 2.5 or 3 Vandoren. Hope that helps.
Re: Learning to play bass clarinet
18:41 on Wednesday, September 29, 2004
The one to keep in mind when you are playing in a band is that bass clarinet unlike clarinets are part of the bass line and need to have a solid sound. I heard so many people play their instruments soft when it really needs to be played not so much very loudly but solid. It`s a fun instrument to play, I played one for 7 years. Have fun!!
Re: Learning to play bass clarinet
18:46 on Wednesday, September 29, 2004
One more thing, I agree with whoever said that all basically play the same. I personally have always played on a Selmer.
Re: Learning to play bass clarinet
23:27 on Thursday, October 7, 2004
I have no problem playing on 3.5`s. Playing bass is much more fun than the soprano clarinet.
Re: Learning to play bass clarinet
13:15 on Thursday, October 14, 2004
Here`s a couple of good tips for the bass clarinet. First of all let me say bass clarinet is awesome. Now, before all you bass clarinetists worry about anything else, make sure that you have a good mouthpiece. A Vandoren B45 or a Selmer C* should do just fine. Stock mouthpieces normally just don`t cut it. Also, in addition to Vandoren reeds, you all might want to try Rico Grand Concert. I like them better than Vandorens although I will admit Vandorens get high notes better. Anyway, hope that helps.
Attn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21:56 on Thursday, October 21, 2004
(Rachel Utley)
Ok Does any one knowhow to clean a bass Clarinet i use the schools and they don`t clean them i need advice so my Bass won`t rust it has mold and other yucky stuff in it PLease Help Email me with answers!!
Re: Learning to play bass clarinet
00:16 on Sunday, October 24, 2004
hi all,
i used to play saxophone in my high school days and am interested in playing bass clarinet in my current band. i was wondering if im going to run into any difficulties in the transfer. ive never played a clarinet before. ive always favored the sound of the clarinet over the saxophone... after all the years, its about time that i made the switch.
id like to find out more information before i go out and buy one. thanks!