I`ve got a language problem, Help Please.
I`ve got a language problem, Help Please.
19:48 on Saturday, August 14, 2004
I`m just started on the clarinet 3 days now. I live in France and speak no French at all only English. There are a lot of music teachers here but none speak any English. Is it possible to learn the clarinet to a basic standard or any kind of standard at all just by using books. I`m 59 years old so I`m no spring chicken but I do have all my own teeth and I`m not yet going GA Ga.
I have bought a Buffet Evette clarinet and I`m using a Vandoran 11.6 mouthpiece as in the few days I`ve been practicing I find it easier to get a note than from the Buffet mouthpiece that came with the clarinet. Oh I`m using Vandoran 2.5 reeds. I assume the music shop told me correctly about the reeds.
Any help regarding books or videos will be thankfully received.
Re: I`ve got a language problem, Help Please.
21:17 on Saturday, August 14, 2004
I think if you would just copy and paste your post at the bulletin board at < http://www.woodwind.org> , you`d get plenty of clarineters who`d be pleased to help you out, including many late starters themselves.
Re: I`ve got a language problem, Help Please.
02:11 on Sunday, August 15, 2004
(Music helper)
Yes, I agree post your query at the woodwind site `help` gave you and you should get plenty of responses. Personally, I believe you can start learning clarinet my book, if you get a good one and read it carefully, but only to a degree, it would be nice to have a teacher if you can find one.
Re: I`ve got a language problem, Help Please.
02:11 on Sunday, August 15, 2004
(Music helper)
Sorry, I mean the site `Hello` gave you, not help..