Suggestions for program
04:44 on Tuesday, August 17, 2004
For my end of year uni exam program, I`m doing Rossini`s Intro, Theme and Variations and the Joseph Horovitz Sonatina but my exam program is 35 minutes long. I need something to go in the middle that is less than 10 minutes long that is a little less upbeat, perhaps Brahms-ish or perhaps French. Either way, I don`t want to do just one movement of a work (prefer to do a complete work) and I would prefer something more expressive, darker, more subdued than the two works I`m already doing (which counts out Poulenc Sonata because of its last movement). I`ve already done the Saint-Saens Sonata, am not able to do Debussy Premiere Rhapsodie, Schumann and Brahms are too long in their entirety.
I`m leaning towards Honegger but not sure about that. Has anyone got any suggestions for me?
Re: Suggestions for program
10:01 on Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Hi, I think you could do the Arnold Fantasy or something unnacompanied. If you don`t want to do just the 1st movement of the Schumann then I`m not sure, the 1st mvt would go well maybe?
Re: Suggestions for program
23:48 on Tuesday, August 17, 2004
I really want to do a complete work and not break up a work by just doing 1 or 2 movements. And I`ve done the Arnold Fantasy before (but that`s got its crazier moments too which doesn`t really suit my program).
Re: Suggestions for program
05:39 on Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Try searching for all clarinet repetoire to the extent, you`d have to order in music from elsewhere to get it
Re: Suggestions for program
14:30 on Thursday, August 19, 2004
Schumann is too long in its enitrety? The opus 73 fantasy pieces take up 4+ minutes when played together.
Re: Suggestions for program
07:25 on Monday, August 23, 2004
Yeah, they do, if you play them really really fast! The first movement is 4 minutes in itself!
Re: Suggestions for program
14:13 on Monday, August 23, 2004
check out A. Grgin: concertino for clarinet and orchestra
Re: Suggestions for program
10:02 on Wednesday, August 25, 2004