Are Lefties at a loss?
02:21 on Saturday, January 1, 2005
I wanted to get an opinion on this. Should being left-handed affect my playing in any way? I`ve heard people say yes (They say it will make some things easier and other things harder) and people say no (They say that it really isn`t a noticeable difference, if any) I was hoping to get maybe an instructors` thoughts on this.
I say this because at times i (being a lefty/obviously) seem to have trouble articulating correctly and now that i`m becoming more and more expierienced this `problem` is coming up ALOT more and i was wondering if this is all in my head or if there is something more to this. Any thoughts would be appreciated
Re: Are Lefties at a loss?
16:49 on Saturday, January 1, 2005
I`m left handed. I`ve been playing for 13 years, and haven`t really had any problems. In fact, your left hand has to operate more keys (most of the time) than the right hand does. The only difficulty I can think of would come with pinky stuff, but that takes work whether you`re left or right handed. Good luck.
Re: Are Lefties at a loss?
20:59 on Saturday, January 1, 2005
instruments always seemed left-handed to me.. u play with your left more on a clarinet... and on the bassoon... (ohhhh definetly more on the left hand in the bassoons case)
Re: Are Lefties at a loss?
23:30 on Saturday, January 1, 2005
You honestly shouldn`t notice a difference, because one hand doesn`t do a great deal more than the other. The instruments are set up so anyone can play them. It could be your mental bias that`s working against you, rather than an actual problem. Work on strengthening your hands one at a time on exercises (try the Klose book) to help.
Re: Are Lefties at a loss?
00:13 on Sunday, January 2, 2005
Thanks to all the responses. My problem does seem like a bit like mental bias. But i am indeed having a great deal of trouble with my pinky- i dread any time i have to use those notes. btw erm...what is klose? ive been playing five years and i have a hold on a lot of stuff but terminologically ( is that a word?)im lacking. Please advise me on where i can get ahold of `klose`
Re: Are Lefties at a loss?
15:18 on Wednesday, January 5, 2005
I don`t know where you get your information but being left handed does not affect your playing unless you are a drummer....traditional grip becomes a little bit of a problem.
Articuation is more of an internal problem with the embochure, tongue, throat position, etc.
Re: Are Lefties at a loss?
03:29 on Sunday, January 8, 2006
Klose has method books out for clarinetists. Also I am left-handed and play fine. Aren`t left-handed people supposed to be more musically gifted or something? Or the right side of the brain that we use is more geared toward art? hmmm
-Dennis (