A new clarinet, can anyone tell me how good/outdated this is?
A new clarinet, can anyone tell me how good/outdated this is?
23:24 on Sunday, January 30, 2005
I just bought a used clarinet for $200. I bought it as i knew the owner-who advanced to a much better clarinet-and this owner was absolutely stunning on this clarinet. So i bought it without a thought and whattdya know/i expierienced an upturn in my musical sound. But recently, this clarinet has started to sound...i don`t know, airy, kind of stuffy whenever i play it. At any rate, it`s no longer as good as the day i bought it. I cleaned it etc. with minimal success. Now i know i didn`t get cheated, it was $200 well spent, but can any one give me an opinion on the make and model of this clarinet? (Sorry for the life`s story there, im a rambler) It is a Selmer, the upper section says Selmer U.S.A. CL300, and i just realized it doesn`t have any really distinguising marks on it... So, with that information can anyone out there tell me about the age/how outdated this is?
Re: A new clarinet, can anyone tell me how good/outdated this is?
20:21 on Tuesday, February 1, 2005
Did you think to change your reed? It may sound stupid but if it`s old, or rippled or water logged...