12:07 on Friday, April 8, 2005
(glad to be be plaid)
Okay people, I`m trying to be respectable and a noble Scotsman, but why don` we go over and give Heidi the way under dog a little pat on the head if it be she who`s yappin` about about 25 hits, while we got bites by the thousands here? I canna tell if it`s her but I`ll ne`er be mentioning it again. I was only trying to tell ye good 8 notes people about the wonderful little Touille the chihuahua who craves the bagpipes, loves Lassie and dearly respects music and our many kilted clansmen. I ha` no idea what Heidi`s breed (or trouble) may be, but not Scottish Terrier ... she`s in an Irish wolfhound of a mood today, sorry. the plaid piper
12:44 on Friday, April 8, 2005
(veggie chick)
Good afternoon, I`m back, let`s enjoy lunch but what`s going on here? Lotsa reading, whoo! Puff the magic piper, you can call me vegetable lass and I know you mean well, what are you doing advertising for everyone`s forum now or is it about yourself? I mean the, which is what this is about, is hot, and the vegetable of the day was okay, but don`t nobody call me veggie burger please. Thank you, why don`t you take a little rest and relax your diaphragm. It will improve your playing in the long run.
22:25 on Friday, April 8, 2005
Veggie chick, sorry for the veggie burger remark. It was tasteless.
uhh, was that an apology?
11:00 on Monday, April 11, 2005
(veggie chick)
That`s okay Heidi? Don`t worry, sometimes they need a little more spice.
what`s new?
19:43 on Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Hey piper, anybody, all of you? What`s new? Got any good music or new stuff you`re working on? I`m noodling with piano since it`s just a bigger glockenspiel. And I want to go to a bagpipe concert ASAP!
nothing new
02:17 on Thursday, April 14, 2005
Well I`m not playing anything new except School`s Out for Summer,,,,,School`s Out Forever!!! Yay, hooray, and hola bola. Now I think I`ll go see U2 in Vertigo. Gad, I wish the pipers would open the concert.
01:51 on Saturday, April 16, 2005
(veggie chick)
Yah, the Rogues!!! ....... or it would be nice to see Bono in a kilt, but nahhh, it`s a sort of symbol of the British Empire isn`t it? Not his politics. He should wear a green skirt then. BTW Was he in that movie American Graffiti. Or did he just do Graffiti in America? Has anyone called their oboe ... bono?
what`s up?
02:08 on Saturday, April 16, 2005
What`s with all these websites on the cute little doggies? Would you be happy if I called by oboe o-bone, not bono? Guess it`s time for another name-your-oboe thread.