Making your own reeds!
01:04 on Sunday, April 27, 2003
I have been playing the oboe for about 1 1/2 years, I play on a rented Buffet Crampon oboe from school (which was brand new when I started). I have done my 3rd grade oboe exam and are prepairing for my 5th Grade which will be in June/July/August 2003. I want to start making my own reeds because I don`t like store bought ones. So I was just wanting to see if I could find some info on what you need and the costs (Australian dollars). I know it will take a long time befor producing a good reed, but I am willing to wait, so any info or help would really be great!
Re: Making your own reeds!
09:14 on Sunday, April 27, 2003
Since I play the violin I have to ask, what is a reed?
Re: Making your own reeds!
17:12 on Sunday, April 27, 2003
Private lessons with someone that knows what they`re doing would be the best way to learn to make reeds. Otherwise you can try to find a copy of "The Oboe Reed Book" by Jay Light, and purchase the tools and supplies and follow his instructions. Expect the tools and some cane and staples to cost somewhere around $120 US, give or take some due to differences in prices and shipping costs. Good Luck
Re: Making your own reeds!
22:35 on Monday, April 28, 2003
Always remember, a book is nowhere near as good as a teacher (who knows what he/she is doing). If you do have to use a book, the Jay Light book does come very highly recommended.