Just curious... how do you experts/beginners out there practise? The followings are my daily exercises:
1. long notes: sustain each note for at least 15 seconds (with a tuner)
2. C-major scale: from the lowest C, two octaves.
3. Am scale (harmonic): from A, one octave
4. appregios: mainly the easy ones; both majors and minors, one octave
5. repeat 2-4 with tonguing
6. Short pieces
Many people say that doing long notes can help develop endurance. What do you think? I`ve been playing oboe for about 7 months now... but still I lack the endurance to finish a piece that lasts for about 90 seconds. My teacher often complains that I overblow too much and my notes tend to go sharp.
... don`t know what I should do to improve myself...