English Horn Playing Flat...HELP!!!!
17:37 on Thursday, June 2, 2005
(Taylor U.)
How do I solve this problem, I am playing on a #1 Bocal, and it is playing really flat. I have cut and scraped the read back a bit....it may be leaking, but if these problems are not the case what else could it be and how can i fix it!...please help....
Re: English Horn Playing Flat...HELP!!!!
20:22 on Thursday, June 2, 2005
Generally, leaking reeds do not make you flat, they just leak making it almost impossible to play anything; it should feel like your English Horn is in need of serious adjustment or pad replacement.
Check a couple of things:
i:your reed should be crowing around C#
ii:have you taken out too much cane from the reed. The individual sections of the reed should not be as well defined on an English Horn reed as they are on an oboe reed.
iii:gone too far in the back; attempting to add depth of tone by reaming out the back is not the best solution.
iv:have you tried to make it too quickly. Usually it takes a couple of days for an English Horn reed to settle down.
Re: English Horn Playing Flat...HELP!!!!
01:14 on Friday, June 3, 2005
I agree with the "guest" but most likely it`s the reed. Try Fishskin on the side or nail polish- this all might help or just make a new reed. Why are you using a number 1 bocal?
Re: English Horn Playing Flat...HELP!!!!
17:51 on Friday, June 3, 2005
(Taylor U.)
I am using a number 1 bocal because like other instruments if its sharp-pull out, if its flat-push in. So since a number one bocal is shorter, thus shortening my bore length, it makes it so that i am less flat, when i use my number 2 bocal im even more flat because its longer. I would hope ive been taught right lol, if not ive been doing things wrong for a while, although I believe i am doing things right because ive tuned myself based on these little rules for some time now and it has worked.
Re: English Horn Playing Flat...HELP!!!!
19:46 on Friday, June 3, 2005
You are correct to be playing on the shorter bocal to help with your pitch. Most English Horn players I know prefer to play on the longer bocal for a couple of reasons; however they do not have your particular pitch issues.