I just started the Oboe today and I must say...
I just started the Oboe today and I must say...
19:52 on Friday, May 16, 2003
I love it! I didn`t think I was going to be able to blow into the double reed( I am originally a flute player) But I can do it and it feels great to be learning a new instrument. I think I`m fairly good for just learning to play and the fingerings are coming pretty naturally to me ( its almost the same as the flute, so it`s eaiser) I practiced for three hours and I can tell I`m going to love it
Any advice? Also, its really hard to get out high notes. Like I can get the low d, e, f, and g. The a, b flat, and c is fine, but notes after that ( like the d, f, g etc..) still on the staff i pretty hard to get out. Is this normal?
Also, I think i`m blowing down on the reed to hard. My lips are almost the orange thing right above the reed cork. I know I`m blowing down to far then but if I just blow on the tip I don`t get as strong of a sound. Can some one help me?
I`m teaching myself for now until I get a private teacher, so thats why I`m asking all these questions...
Also ( haha I know I keep on going on) But I find it hard that when I trying to do low notes i go to high and then when I`m trying high notes I go low ( like an octive) I guess it just comes form memorization and practice?
Please help me. Thanks!
Re: I just started the Oboe today and I must say...
20:45 on Friday, May 16, 2003
im haveing all of the same problems i need help too so if any advanced oboe player reads what she has written plz help both us out and reply with some answers and plz im me to chat on aim LMluvsCM
Re: I just started the Oboe today and I must say...
00:34 on Saturday, May 17, 2003
Yeah when i was a beginner i had those problems too.
you should have your lips at about the middle of the reed for now, later you will learn how to tune it(keeping the sound from being too sharp or flat)
low notes are always hard at first, and they might come out higher than they are supposed to, you just need to work at it and practice (and i mean A LOT)
Notes above the register are hard, i have been playing for at least 2 years (the oboe was the first insterment i started on) and I still have trouble with my E and F above the register,(above the registed the fingerings get weird.
The best way to improve is to practice daily, i did not practice at all last summer, and i had to relearn most of it in the fall.
Oh and you will REALLY want a privet teacher!!
If you have anymore questions just e-mail me at akluau@aol.com, i would be happy to answer them!
good luck,
Re: I just started the Oboe today and I must say...
10:33 on Saturday, May 17, 2003
I`ve been playin for 3 years now and i do think that you have too much reed in your mouth! you shouldn`t go anyfarther down than about half way. unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. which only happened to me once b/c the reed was always flat and that`s what i had to do. anyways, no, i don`t think that the notes on the staff should be very hard to get out. they usually come pretty easily. make sure you ambushure isn`t too tight either. i taught myself at first for a while before i found a private teacher, you should get one as soon as possible. I`m not exactly sure what you want to know but if you want you can email me at boovp1@hotmail.com (which is also my s/n for msn) or you can im me on aim at myoboerules
Re: I just started the Oboe today and I must say...
05:16 on Friday, May 30, 2003
I started the oboe about 2 months ago...dont have much time to practice though..i can go down chromatically from a b flat to a g but thats all...above a b flat or a c is hard for me too..
By the way, i was a flute player too for about 3 years (go figure) and i went to percussion...now the oboe. I love percussion and oboe. Both are very fun. Im starting to take private lessons soon and i hope to get better at it.
Re: I just started the Oboe today and I must say...
11:55 on Saturday, May 31, 2003
(Jordan Weiss)
i understand your problems and agree with what the others have been saying, first loosen your arbachure you want to cradle the reed in your lips, not pinch it. Remember both blades must vibrate, if its too tight then one will not move. Also you are definatly taking in too much reed (if you orange thing above the cork you mean the threads). Try this, look at your lips in a mirror where the light part of your lips meets the darker part, this is called the Framilian Boarder, the tip of the read should be on or just past this point. Also what kind of reeds are you using. If your using RICO, Jones or any other machine made reed, DON`T. its kinda pricey but well worth it to get handmade real reeds. Try Weber reeds or any of the handmade reeds. If you have any questions or want to talk oboe or whatever feel free to e-mail me at Jaw567@aol.com AIM-Jaw7931 any way good luck
Jordan Weiss
Re: I just started the Oboe today and I must say...
10:08 on Sunday, June 1, 2003
I`m playing oboe for 8 years now and I still love it! At first I thought: I can`t do this, it`s too hard, but the more you learn the more you love it! Good luck to everyone who has just started! 