Flute to Oboe

Flute to Oboe    20:50 on Thursday, May 22, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Hey im a 6th year flute player and in the 7th grade. OOOOOOHHH. lol any way. I want to play the oboe just for my own whatever. I also play the piccolo, soprano sax, alto sax, piano, and electric bass. I play all those by my own free will. w00t. Any where to get oboe stuff for good deals??

Re: Flute to Oboe    07:55 on Friday, May 23, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

What kind of oboe stuff??? Like, the actual instrument??? www.mmimports.com/oboes.cfm and there are many other places to get good oboe stuff! good luck!

WOW    22:24 on Friday, May 23, 2003          
(Adam Parnell)
Posted by Archived posts

I bet you must be a very advanced player than! 6 years of flute already... dang!

Re: Flute to Oboe    19:19 on Saturday, May 24, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

It would be neat to play Mozart`s Concerto No.2 for Flute in D Major, and then learn to play his Concerto for Oboe in C Major.

They are the same piece, of course. Just in different keys.

Re: Flute to Oboe    23:27 on Monday, May 26, 2003          
(Adam Parnell)
Posted by Archived posts

While the 2 pieces are a lot a like, there are a lot of different things in the oboe version as opposed to the flute version, just because of the strengths and weaknesses of each instrument... but that WOULD be good

Re: Flute to Oboe    15:31 on Thursday, September 23, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

hello ive been playing the oboe for4-5 years now and it is really fun good luck!!

Re: Flute to Oboe    09:17 on Saturday, September 25, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

i played mozart`s concerto no. 2 in D on flute then i played it in C on oboe. they`re alot alike but different. They`re fun instruments to play!


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