How do you use a reed guard?
20:38 on Wednesday, December 21, 2005
I barely even know what it does! So... how do you use a reed guard?
Re: How do you use a reed guard?
22:10 on Wednesday, December 21, 2005
If you`re talking about one of these ( ), they are used to store reeds when you aren`t using them. Slide the reed in and pop it into your case. They are fairly inexpensive, but only hold two reeds.
If you want more storage space & have a few extra $$ to spend, you may want to go with something different. Check these out:
Re: How do you use a reed guard?
22:59 on Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Nina`s right.
I bought one once thinking it functioned like a clarinet cap, but no... lol
Get a reed case!
Re: How do you use a reed guard?
00:02 on Thursday, December 22, 2005
Thanks, both of you. My mom and I were fighting with it, because I broke my case that the reed came in... and its my only one. My reed is half dead; the edges are cracked, it was chipped... but it repairs itself! Really weird. Thanks, though. Seriously. I thought I was using it wrong.