Before I commit to my Laubin Oboe...
08:12 on Monday, July 14, 2003
I have heard numerous praises about the Laubin Oboes! In fact, I placed an order 5 years ago and I guess the order should be ready soon. Now, before I commit for the deposit, can my fellow oboeists kindly let me know what they think of the Laubin oboes? It would be even better if I can have some Laubin players out there to drop me a few lines!
Re: Before I commit to my Laubin Oboe...
16:47 on Monday, July 14, 2003
(Adam Parnell)
Commit!! Omg, Laubin oboes are the best oboe money can buy, and they have a wonderful crack record, i`ve never heard of one cracking. People would kill to buy the oboe you have the opportunity to get right now, definetely go for it! My credibility- I`m going to the Oberlin Conservatory of Music for Oboe performance.
Hope this helps!
Re: Before I commit to my Laubin Oboe...
19:08 on Tuesday, July 29, 2003
ye do it.iwasted 10 years playing bad lorees and other crap.i got laubin oboe made by alfred laubin himself 35 years ago. this horn is tarific
Re: Before I commit to my Laubin Oboe...
10:58 on Tuesday, September 30, 2003
Have you committed yet? You can always sell it for what you paid or more if you don`t like it. I`t s not like a loree where there are a million of them. The intonation and response are excellent, but if the sound is not for you, then it`s not for you. What does your teacher say? You might want to take their advice. i played one for almost twenty years with very few problems and good results. Good luck.
Re: Before I commit to my Laubin Oboe...
17:27 on Thursday, March 17, 2005
(Roy Messick)
My parents bought me one when I was in 7th grade (1969)and the instrument still plays great! In fact, I would like to get on the waiting list to order another one. Any idea how?
Re: Before I commit to my Laubin Oboe...
12:24 on Friday, March 18, 2005
I guess I will be the only one out there who is anti-Laubin. I don`t personally think that they are wonderful oboes at all. I find the tone to be really undersirable. I played one for a couple of years and found that the tone was quite flabby. The scale was alright on all three Laubins that I played, the E flat was so flat, C# was closer to a C natural than anything. The upper register was horrible, the high C natural had the ugliest tone imaginable; G at the top of the staff was so unstable that you had to use the B key to key it from splitting apart. One dud Laubin is one thing, three is another subject entirely. The keywork is the worst keywork of any professional oboe available. I don`t really believe that they are the best oboes out there. Laubin oboes do crack; they do not crack where most oboes do between the trill keys, but can crack in the tone holes. Laubins are not indestructible! Having said all of that, I would never personally play another Laubin as long as I live-but this is just my opinion. There are people who love them and there are people that don`t really like them. I have many Laubin playing colleagues-one of which is assistant principal in New York, and she sounds wonderful, you need to decide for yourself. you can always sell it if you don`t like it.
Re: Before I commit to my Laubin Oboe...
17:16 on Monday, March 21, 2005
This one was nice! really !
I would say exactly same stuff about Loree!!!!!
I will never play any Loree as long as i play.
About Laubin oboes: I personally would say that it`s one of the best oboes on a market today.Just for few reasons: completely hand-made, custom made,good money investment,great "working horse"
last almost forever, they adjust it so well that you will not need any serious repair for at least 5 years.It also has character different than Loree so you might need to change your reeds but it`s really good stable oboe that can be
your favorite one
Re: Before I commit to my Laubin Oboe...
21:46 on Monday, March 21, 2005
I find the debate about Laubin and Loree oboes ridiculous. They are both very beautiful instruments. This debate about oboes is so polarizing. One player will gravitate towards a certain instrument and they will feel that that certain instrument is the ‘best’. Just buy the horn, if you hate it you can always sell it; if you love it you will be playing it for a while.
Why does it matter which oboe is superior? Laubin players will never win because there are too many people out there who disagree with them: as there are just as many players who disagree with Loree players claiming instrumental supremacy. The whole debate, while entertaining is entirely subjective.
Re: Before I commit to my Laubin Oboe...
18:54 on Saturday, March 26, 2005
I actually have the 285th oboe the Laubin`s have actually made and needed only one serious repair. It does have a beautifull sound. Even if I don`t play seriosly, it got me through highschool as one of the best oboeists.
Re: Before I commit to my Laubin Oboe...
23:40 on Wednesday, March 30, 2005
If you don`t play seriously, then can I buy it from you? (Seriously). ~Katy
Re: Before I commit to my Laubin Oboe...
04:18 on Thursday, March 31, 2005
I am on a Laubin waiting list,almost 3 years .
I might sell my old Lubin oboe pretty soon
Re: Before I commit to my Laubin Oboe...
14:41 on Thursday, March 31, 2005
Unfortunately I`m kind of in a hurry; my oboe got stolen last week, so I`m going to need to buy the first good one I can find. What year is your old laubin?
Re: Before I commit to my Laubin Oboe...
17:03 on Thursday, March 31, 2005
1969 #932 made by Alfred Laubin
Re: Before I commit to my Laubin Oboe...
21:33 on Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Re: Before I commit to my Laubin Oboe...
09:04 on Sunday, April 24, 2005
I started this post in 2003 claiming that it`s soon to be ready... and now is 2005 and is still not ready!~ I called and they said I am next on the list~! (don`t know whether it`s true or not...) Anyway, I`m sticking to my decision and I need to find someone to buy my howarth now... well I do want to keep it as my spare though...