Vibrato tips?

Vibrato tips?    19:21 on Sunday, November 5, 2006          


I have just finished my first high school band concert, in which I played... oh, I don't know, three or four solos. All of which didn't sound too good. I have been playing for two years, but I still sound a bit like a beginner. My band director wants me to start doing some vibrato, mainly for soloing. I haven't met with my private teacher yet, since I I was only requested to start working on vibrato this week. Anyone care to offer some tips on vibrato? I've tried it once before, but I think I had started trying a bit too early. Now, it is almost vital that I learn.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can provide some helpful advice.

James Dowdy Moose

Re: Vibrato tips?    12:51 on Monday, November 6, 2006          

(6 points)
Posted by hobo-er

I play the oboe for 10 years and i cant do a proper vibrato, so if you can do it your a natural. But actually, it doesnt really matter when you learn it, as long as you can play the normal tones.

My teacher says you have to breathe from the lower side of your back, and not from your breast, so that the air has a long way to go. Your belly has to get bigger when breathing in. Also, there has to be a lot of room in the back of your throat.

Since I cant manage to do these things, i cant do a good vibrato yet, but maybe it works for you.

Re: Vibrato tips?    13:36 on Monday, November 6, 2006          


I have actually started getting into the habit of exerting more air from the diaphram, as one is supposed to do, instead of pushing air from the chest, which is a big mistake that we all make at one point or another in our lives. I know how the breathing is supposed to work, and I've been practicing it, but I really can't tell where to go from there to get a vibrato. It almost seems like something achieved through spasm. I know that it all comes with practice, but one of the things that some teachers and patronizers forget is what to practice. Thanks for your reply, though, hobo-er.

James Dowdy Moose


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