Oboe-buying on a limited budget
08:13 on Monday, July 28, 2003
Having graduated from middle school, and being unable to eternally borrow their school oboe, I find myself now shopping for one.
As a result of not having a job beyond volunteer work, I must spend my parent`s money. It is an unfortunate fact that my mother doesn`t seem to want to spend the money for decent one. Currently she is looking at the cheapest oboes on ebay...
What is the chance that I`d find an oboe that would last me decently through high school?
What oboes might you recommend for an unusually low price?
In another situation that exists in my imagination, I`d currently be comparing some oboes of the same maker, of a different level. Currently the two are: Buffet 4051, Buffet 4011. Does anybody have insight on which would be preferable for going through high school with? Again, money, even in such a hypothetical situation remains a large factor.
Lastly, am I being too dubious of the quality of inexpensive instruments?
Re: Oboe-buying on a limited budget
17:28 on Monday, July 28, 2003
A vast amount of thanks. Your response is extremely helpful.
Re: Oboe-buying on a limited budget
19:24 on Thursday, August 21, 2003
Might I also suggest going on to different oboe sites like Chudnow and buy one from Chudnow or any oboe shops under the used section. The Yamaha higher models ARE quite good.If you are an intermediate player and you want a really nice intermediate oboe I suggest the Fox 330 or if you have a high budget you can try and find a Cabart oboe (intermediate oboe for Loree). Hope this helps!
P.S. Try Chudnow, Midwest Musicial Imports, Covey Oboes, McFarland, etc.
Re: Oboe-buying on a limited budget
20:35 on Monday, September 1, 2003
I just bought a Patricola oboe model number SB.1, I beleive. It is their student model. It is an intermediate level oboe. I like it and it will probably last me through high school and community band. I plan to purchase a Loree when I go to college. I recommend this oboe because of its nice tone and ease of response. It can be obtained from music123 or the woodwind and brasswind. You can get them now and not have to pay for them all at once. If you act fast you can have 12 months to pay it off. Its current price is $1,695.00.
Re: Oboe-buying on a limited budget
14:18 on Friday, October 3, 2003
If you`re lookung for a GOOD oboe at a decent price...I may have what you need. I have a 60`s vintage F. Loree oboe, recently completely overhauled, asking $1695, plus shipping/ins. Pictures upon request. My phone: (913) 677-3014, Kansas City area
Re: Oboe-buying on a limited budget
09:30 on Saturday, October 4, 2003
I would be kind of cautious buying an oboe that old. If it has been taken care of it could be worth the money. One example most lorees for sale for 3,000 is worse than a new oboe in the same price range, information provided by charles double reeds. If it has been overhauled it has probably been played alot or not at all in along period. It would probably be better to buy a new Patricola, Buffet, or Bulgernoli for around the same price. If you just want to be able to say you have a loree by all means buy it. But if you want something that will last look at new or at least something made in the last few years. The most important thing to check is the crack record. A crack, even after it is repaired, can leave a oboe prone to more cracks. Plus the oboe will never play the same again. If you buy new I urge you to break it in or you WILL get a crack, probably in the upper joint anywhere north of the trill keys. I you could play on the oboe and it is in good condition I would get this oboe. You sould also check out the brands I have listed. Yamaha is a good brand. Their oboes produce one of the most lush dark tones, but they have a crack rate of 60%. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me through the link on my name.
Re: Oboe-buying on a limited budget
17:14 on Saturday, October 4, 2003
My advice would be to go to a music store in your area and ask if you can try some out then try and find the one that you liked the best(new or used) for a reasonable price. I play a Fox 300 which is a professional model with a plastic body (the other two oboes in my band class envie me) it is great but a little expensive. Try Music123.com they have good prices
Re: Oboe-buying on a limited budget
21:37 on Saturday, October 4, 2003
I purchased my Patricola oboe from music123.com. I would recomend that you purchase from a local music store or at least a store that stand fully behind their sales. Music123 only will give you a 45-day return policy. If it messes up they may exchange it if it is still under warranty.