Im in a bit of a dilemma. I live in Australia and currently play on a thumbplate system. I have been learning for 18 months and i am about to go onto grade 5/6 in AMEB standards. I am about to buy a new/ secondhand oboe but i dont know what type. A professional Australian oboeist has told me that i should start to learn on the conservatoire system and my class music teacher wants me to as well because it is the accepted method in Australia. My oboe teacher who is the only other oboe player for a few hundred kms wants me to buy one im confortatble with.
I personally like the thumbplate system and I have already got a list of potentials. My dad doesnt want me to get a dual system as he thinks it will only do an anerage job at each system, not the great job i need. Is he right to worry about a dual system not being good enough? I plan to get to at least grade 8 AMEB standard.
I also would like an opinion on open hole and gillet models. Which do you prefer?
Thankyou. This will be a lot of help.