Trouble with low notes. Notes played below F3 plays with an non-induced tremelo or vibrato.
19:35 on Monday, August 17, 2009
Re: Trouble with low notes. Notes played below F3 plays with an non-induced tremelo or vibrato.
22:25 on Monday, August 17, 2009
 OboeLover4Life (121 points)
There might be a couple of reasons why this is happening....
I think it might be your lack of support, i.e. forcing of air. I've had this problem as well on my low C.
The trick that helped me get better support technique was having the sensation of holding back the breath more so then the feeling of blowing out air.
I've noticed the lower you go on the Oboe, the more air you need. This actually applies the other way around as well.
So I tried to blow more air....BUT I forgot my support. What happened next is that I forced out more air then I needed to and ran out of enough air needed to create a steady and focused airstream. I ended up having a choppy air current trying to use the air that I had left which was the source of my tremelo. So the solution was kind of simple (though the process wasn't xD), retrain myself to use proper support. Here is a very very brief explanation of it:
After some serious long tone practice, I got the hang of the energy needed for each note and the tremelo (FINALLY!!!!) disappeared.
One trick to seeing if you're using incorrect support.
1. Blow up a balloon: Notice how when you blow with support that you can keep blowing for a long while. Meanwhile, when you don't, you can only blow in short bursts with little effect even though it feels like you're using a lot of air.
And again, good old long tones help tons and can reveal your progress!!!
Hope any of this helps.
Re: Trouble with low notes. Notes played below F3 plays with an non-induced tremelo or vibrato.
23:16 on Monday, August 17, 2009
Re: Trouble with low notes. Notes played below F3 plays with an non-induced tremelo or vibrato.
03:47 on Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Re: Trouble with low notes. Notes played below F3 plays with an non-induced tremelo or vibrato.
11:49 on Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Re: Trouble with low notes. Notes played below F3 plays with an non-induced tremelo or vibrato.
14:35 on Tuesday, August 18, 2009
 OboeLover4Life (121 points)
If it changes with different types of reeds then maybe it is the reeds...Are they handmade? Even if they are maybe the maker is not very consistent...Also some Oboes can be very reed temperamental and need a very good reed to play even decently.
If your Oboe is a cheapo model it might be like Canadian/Contra said and that there are keys leaking or the mechanism isn't working properly.
I'm also very quick to blame myself or other outside sources (too cold air conditioning for example) before I blame my instrument or reed. Is why I suggested the support thing.
Idk just throwing ideas at ya.
PS: The link didn't work properly the last time I posted. Here it is again:
Re: Trouble with low notes. Notes played below F3 plays with an non-induced tremelo or vibrato.
21:13 on Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Re: Trouble with low notes. Notes played below F3 plays with an non-induced tremelo or vibrato.
22:09 on Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Re: Trouble with low notes. Notes played below F3 plays with an non-induced tremelo or vibrato.
23:13 on Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Re: Trouble with low notes. Notes played below F3 plays with an non-induced tremelo or vibrato.
23:41 on Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Re: Trouble with low notes. Notes played below F3 plays with an non-induced tremelo or vibrato.
10:37 on Friday, August 21, 2009
Re: Trouble with low notes. Notes played below F3 plays with an non-induced tremelo or vibrato.
11:41 on Friday, August 21, 2009