Best Oboe Concerto
17:22 on Tuesday, November 24, 2009
 OboeNightmare (153 points)
Hi guys! Guess what? I am getting for my very first concerto competition for my youth orchestra and am totally excited!  I am currently trying to find a good, solid concerto for oboe that sounds good, is challenging but not extremely hard, and reflects my style and interpretation of the music.
To give you a background description, I have played oboe 2 years. Pieces I have recently studied are Camille Saint-Saens Sonata for Oboe and Piano , and Francis Poulenc's Sonata for Oboe . Both of these are the type of style I enjoy playing on the oboe. My oboe's a wooden Loree F series. (Don't know if this matters.)
For the first round of the competition, the music must be recorded. The second round requires the memorization of the music. Between now and the first round, I have 11 weeks. Hence, I need something that is possible to learn in this amount of time.
So, to sum things up, what are some major concertos for this instrument? What are some that are not so famous but still good pieces? Any help would be appreciated. 
Re: Best Oboe Concerto
12:21 on Thursday, November 26, 2009
Re: Best Oboe Concerto
13:25 on Thursday, November 26, 2009
Re: Best Oboe Concerto
14:43 on Thursday, November 26, 2009
Re: Best Oboe Concerto
16:28 on Thursday, November 26, 2009
Re: Best Oboe Concerto
14:24 on Monday, November 30, 2009
 blackcjr (1 point)
Hummel's theme and variations is about the standard of your other two pieces you mentioned and is for full orchestra
has a great tune and is great fun
please inform me how it went if you go ahead with my choice which i played with my youth orchestra 2 weeks ago 
Re: Best Oboe Concerto
18:57 on Monday, November 30, 2009
Re: Best Oboe Concerto
10:54 on Friday, June 18, 2010
Re: Best Oboe Concerto
15:59 on Monday, August 16, 2010
Re: Best Oboe Concerto
17:03 on Wednesday, August 25, 2010