I'll spare the convoluted story as to how this all came to be, but basically, I am faced with the option of purchasing a new, Schreiber 7070 oboe at the same, sub-$2K price as the Schreiber 7060. Please don't say "get a Fox/Yamaha/Loree"; I'm sick of online research & I know these are fine, intermediate oboes at a very good price (get me a new Fox 333 at that price & we'll talk

As you may know, these are identical...not close, IDENTICAL TO the Buffet 4052 and 4057 models (another long story that I can get into if you want), and pretty much identical to each other, but...
the 7060 is 'semi-automatic', and the 7070 is fully-automatic....that's it. Of course, the full-auto models cost a good-deal more than the semi-auto ones, but after reading up on the differences, that doesn't mean 'better'; it's a preference thing.
This is for my 10 yo son who's just starting out; my logic for going this route is that if he quits in 1-10 years, I can re-sell if for only a few $hundred$ less than I paid for it, vs. renting-to-own a crappey yamaha 211...paying $1500+ & then struggling to get $400 on ebay.
SO...recommending for a beginner, not yourself...if presented with two nearly identical oboes of the same brand; one semi-auto & one full-auto..but at the price of the semi-auto...what would you suggest?
Thank you...this forum has been a lot of help in my online research.