Anyone Know about Linton Oboes
14:26 on Sunday, August 29, 2004
I have and Oboe that says USA-Paris the key on the back isnt working properly,
Also how do u find the cerial number, how do u know if its wood or plastic, And do u know of any site that sells Linton Cases. THE FIRST THING ABOUT THE KEY IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT IT NEEDS TO BE FIXED.
Re: Anyone Know about Linton Oboes
14:27 on Sunday, August 29, 2004
I am not selling it but i have chair auditions tommarow
Re: Anyone Know about Linton Oboes
12:55 on Monday, August 30, 2004
(Moos mom)
Linton Oboes had been bought out many years ago; however, the son of the owner sometime back restarted up the family company. Their website is...
and they are not run by anyother company. Even with this information I still know nothing about there quality.
Re: Anyone Know about Linton Oboes
16:42 on Sunday, September 5, 2004
So can you help me my teacher says its nothing with the octave key its with the F