Rico reeds
23:48 on Friday, October 15, 2004
(Jimmy Lio)
I`m a newbie to oboe. Right now I`m using Rico reeds and I notice that reeds come in different hardness: soft, medium soft, medium and hard. Which one should be used for a beginner and why? My oboe is a Yamaha YOB-241.
Re: Rico reeds
21:52 on Sunday, October 17, 2004
(Chris Y.)
When I started oboe, I played on the Rico Reeds as well. I started on the medium reeds, because they will let you develop a good embouchure.
BTW, do they still come in the Triangular-shaped Cases?
Re: Rico reeds
22:21 on Monday, October 18, 2004
Just so you know...I think Rico reeds absolutely suck! I had to get some reeds for an emergency and unfortunately got Rico...big mistake, flatest reed ever, pretty thick cane, and couldn`t get it in tune no matter what I tried. Anyways, I started out on a Jones Med. Soft...that`s a good one to start at..
Re: Rico reeds
22:22 on Monday, October 18, 2004
geh...stupid fonts...
Re: Rico reeds
11:42 on Sunday, October 31, 2004
I started by using jones med.
P.S. Once, the store only had Renard (the green ones) and they broke really easily. Jones R definetly better quality.
Re: Rico reeds
20:17 on Tuesday, November 2, 2004
Rico? honestly never knew Rico make oboe reeds..i knew they makde sax and clarinet reeds. Anyway..try ordering some from Midwest Musical imports (they have oboeiest you cant talk to you on the phone) or charles double reeds, or jones.