open throat
10:10 on Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Re: open throat
17:16 on Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Open throat? something stuck in there? I might suggest water to clear your throat. What exactly does it affect?
Re: open throat
22:59 on Tuesday, October 19, 2004
I read in "The Art of Oboe Playing" (or maybe some other book) that it will affect the speed of your single-tonguing, and some other stuff. But they don`t tell you what to do if you`re playing with a closed throat.
Re: open throat
23:21 on Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Try humming while playing scales. IT`s hard to learn, but it will help. It won`t sound like music, its more of a chest drone, and it will make your scales sound bad, but its what I tell my students to do, and it works. You need to open your throat and support from your stomach to do it, but don`t worry abou that, just hum, and that will happen. When you get a noise, stop humming but play like you still are, paying atention to the sound of the notes. Sorry, it`s hard to describe like this.
oh, and don`t use music for scales ever. Memorize them.
Re: open throat
11:50 on Sunday, October 31, 2004
ummm...that never happens 2 me, so my advice probably isn`t that good. Drink water before U play, and i U ate something Bfore, don`t play, especially if you ate chocolate or chetos, or other junk food, because it can ruin UR oboe.
Re: open throat
14:40 on Tuesday, November 2, 2004
I have a flute player friend who learned oboe, and someone told him to open his throat. One day i heard him playing, and i wanted to cry or be deaf...anyway, i told him if he relaxed his throat he would get a less ducklike sound. and it worked. so just relax. dont focus on opening up.