Music stores on the web...
08:21 on Sunday, November 7, 2004
(Jimmy Lio)
I`m a beginner. Please recommend some websites so that I can buy oboe reeds online. I live in Macau... and I can`t find any oboe reeds here (yes, none at all) unless I go to Hong Kong, where I can only find broken oboe reeds or reeds that tends to produce flat notes (Rico reeds).
Many thanks to those who replied this post and my previous posts...
... just wondering... how long does it take before a hardworking beginner can play an oboe piece with over 30 measures. I`m learning to play "Edelweiss" and my lips got terribly exhausted half way thru the piece... 8.( I must stop for a few second before I can finish the final 8 measures.
Re: Music stores on the web...
09:28 on Sunday, November 7, 2004
I might try Stuart Dunkel reeds I used to use them before I started making my own. I found Stuart Dunkels reeds pretty good. I might try Midwest Musical imports: But I would also ask your teacher if he/she could make reeds for you or at least adjust them. Your question on endurance.....I would again suggest practicing in incrimants of time. Also, think about not working so hard specifcally the embouchure (and how you hold the reed up). It took me 3-4 weeks to play a 30 measure piece (but I had prior experience playing the recording). But keep working hard! Hope this helps!
Re: Music stores on the web...
13:04 on Sunday, November 7, 2004
Know any good oboe solos?
15:08 on Monday, November 8, 2004
im in high school and have played oboe for 5 years. i despiratly need a piece for my "solo and ensamble" preformance...any suggestions?