Vaseline as cork grease...
05:27 on Sunday, November 14, 2004
(Jimmy Lio)
Anyone doing this? Don`t wanna spend money on cork grease... Can I use Vaseline as a replacement?
Re: Vaseline as cork grease...
19:11 on Sunday, November 14, 2004
You can use Vaseline as cork grease. However I bought a tube of cork grease for a dollar about six years ago and am still using it. Unless you are applying cork grease to the tennons everyday(which you should not be doing!) or your are using cork grease on your reed tubes(which you shouldn`t be doing!) one tube of cork grease will last you ages.
Re: Vaseline as cork grease...
21:00 on Monday, November 15, 2004
I always use cork grease on my reed tubes after I first get them. Also, i might apply it to the tubes once every 2 weeks or so. I don`t see whats wrong with it.
Re: Vaseline as cork grease...
15:04 on Tuesday, November 16, 2004
you do know that you shouldnt be applying cork grease to the cork part of your reed...right?
Re: Vaseline as cork grease...
17:13 on Tuesday, November 16, 2004
(Jimmy Lio)
... I don`t know that... which part of the oboe should cork grease be applied?
Re: Vaseline as cork grease...
16:48 on Wednesday, November 17, 2004
the joint corks. one on the head joint and one on the middle joint
Re: Vaseline as cork grease...
23:44 on Thursday, November 18, 2004
(Dwight Listmayer)
I suspect that vaseline would cause swelling of the cork, which tends to be a problem; but I know for a fact that it breaks down the cork itself, compromising the integrity of the joint and instrument, hence the value and need for repair. Petroleum just does that. I wouldn`t use it. A waxen material would be preferable - lip balm? It`s a preservative. Strat man Dwight
Re: Vaseline as cork grease...
00:07 on Friday, November 19, 2004
Actually Vaseline works a ton of a lot better than Cork Grease. The Cork Grease dries out the cork too easily but Vaseline keeps it moisturized as crazy as that sounds. I`ve used Vaseline for the past 3 years of playing. IT WORKS A LOT BETTER THAN CORK GREASE!
P.S. Hope this helps and feel free to e-mail with anymore inquiries about Vaseline or Oboe questions.....haha