Oboe problems
14:41 on Saturday, February 22, 2003
I am having some trouble with projection while playing the oboe. This is especially true in the upper register, i.e. above the D on the staff. How can I correct this?
Re: Oboe problems
17:46 on Sunday, February 23, 2003
make sure your arbachre is loose. Also with the oboe you must use tons of air, it will seem like too much but its not, over thime this problem will improve
Re: Oboe problems
19:44 on Thursday, August 21, 2003
Lemme see.....where to begin? well ALL (even the professionals) oboists have problem with projection and making that upper register sound good. I suggest by increasing air flow and putting more reed in your mouth (Not too much just to get it in tune and project). Embouchure could do it, yes. But there is one problem with using the embouchure, your embouchure will tighten up on that upper range anyways, you must play with the air NOT the embouchure.
Re: Oboe problems
22:13 on Wednesday, December 3, 2003
When i play anything lower then a g my oboe starts sounding... breathy... this just started happening and i had no problem before. i think it is the 3rd finger on the left hand but i don`t know how to fix it. My band director knows hardly anything about oboes and doesn`t know how to fix it! can anyone help?
Re: Oboe problems
22:00 on Monday, January 12, 2004
My A natural, B flat, B natural, and c natural above the staff are always very stuffy, and kind of hard to get out. any tips??
Re: Oboe problems
22:55 on Monday, January 12, 2004
i would check your reeds. then i would take the oboe to the shop or have your teacher look at it.
Re: Oboe problems
18:15 on Thursday, January 15, 2004
re: original message
`I am having some trouble with projection while playing the oboe. This is especially true in the upper register, i.e. above the D on the staff. How can I correct this?`
I used to have this problem (still do to an extent, but not as bad) and i found that either lifting the oboe, (or if you prefer, as i did,lowering your chin), to even out the pressure between your upper and lower lip to create a more even embochure helped. Seemed to release the airflow and allow greater control without `biting`