oboe questions - Vibrato and squeaks
oboe questions - Vibrato and squeaks
20:03 on Saturday, March 8, 2003
I just found this site, and i`ve been reading through some..but anways....i`ve been playing oboe for..4-5 years now. I`ve learned so much over the years of playing. I`ve gone through a couple of private teachers...but one taught differently then the other so that was a bit confusing. I don`t know how to make reeds, but I really would love to learn. that was a question. Also, you know how when you sing, and you can make your voice ring? like a sweet melody, well how do you do that with the oboe? i think it`s called...Vibrato.
also, i`ve found it hard to keep in tune in my upper notes..such as high B, Bb, C etc. i know that takes practice, but is there any methods you can suggest so it wont go squeek like i just broke a plate?
Re: couple of questions if you don`t mind :)
21:25 on Saturday, March 8, 2003
Well, to answer your questions...
Vibrato can be hard to learn, and will take a lot of practice to get good control with, but the way I learned was to say "ha" through the instrument while playing a note. Its hard to describe without showing you, which, seeing as we are online, I cant. Just try and say ha repeatedly though the oboe.
As for making reeds, look up texas oboe reeds and cane, they sell reed making supplies and books on the subject. However, I truly believe that a private teacher will be of the most use (I would have never learned how to make reeds without one; you will need help, we all did). It would fill a two hundred pages for me to explain it right here.
And as to your third question, make sure you are supporting from your diaphragm. That is one essential element to high note tuning. Another thing you may want to consider is the reed. Store bought reeds are crappy, and may not produce good tones (in fact, they never produce truly characteristic and in tune sounds).
My overall advice to you and everyone else: GET A PRIVATE INSTRUCTOR WHO KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE DOING. Just be careful, there are private teachers out there that really dont know what they are talking about. Make sure the teacher either plays with a major american orchestra (top 35) or is with your local university (teaches at the university, not a student).
Well, I hope I helped you out.
Re: couple of questions if you don`t mind :)
21:55 on Saturday, March 8, 2003
Thanks, yeah that helped. I buy home made reeds...Normally pravite teachers sell them...so thats where i get them, but when i get a job...i shall need to go back to a prvaite teacher..thanks~!
Re: couple of questions if you don`t mind :)
22:08 on Saturday, March 8, 2003
sure, your welcome, any time. if you have any other questions, you can email me at indyjones387@yahoo.com.
Re: couple of questions if you don`t mind :)
00:23 on Sunday, March 9, 2003
Re: oboe questions - Vibrato and squeaks
00:01 on Monday, December 15, 2003
THe Ha thing through the Oboe, definetly works! I learned how to do vibrato in about 7th grade and it`s easier to give if you do it on flute first. I am not a Flute player, but this helped me. I got it within a few weeks or so and has definetly helped me be more expressive.
Re: oboe questions - Vibrato and squeaks
18:32 on Friday, December 19, 2003
Hi Jennifer. What Jim said was right on the mark. One suggestion that I can add is for your high note intonation.
Remember that your airstream must be quick enough to maintain the quality of that register. You may be blowing enough air through, but the velocity is slow. I have my students think about "aiming" the air twards the roof of their mouths. It seems to help along with lots of long tones.
I agree with getting a private teacher. Keep practicing and making lots of reeds. You will be fine.
Re: oboe questions - Vibrato and squeaks
01:14 on Sunday, December 21, 2003
I would basically just listen to a lot of oboe CD`s and imitate how the oboist sounds. Not saying that the "ha" thing doesn`t work but my way is a different approach to learning it. Plus, it will come to you overtime and definately having a good private teacher will help you on your endeavours to learning the oboe.