oboe marching????
00:46 on Monday, March 10, 2003
does anyone here march with their oboe?...
Re: oboe marching????
22:02 on Tuesday, March 11, 2003
No, many oboists play a different instrument for marching band (I play percussion). This for a very good reason, which I will give to you.
Clarinets and saxophones have mouthpieces which they can put their teeth on and lock their embrochure. Oboes, however have nothing to lock onto (since we cant use our teeth, with the execption of third ocatave a`s and up) and the reed slides around as you march, causing the pitch of notes to be severely bent.
Re: oboe marching????
09:40 on Thursday, March 13, 2003
(Jordan Weiss)
he is exactly right, i play clarinet and percusion durring marching season, however i have seen oboes in the pit where people come off the field, pick them up and play a solo.
Re: oboe marching????
08:29 on Monday, March 17, 2003
I have march with the oboe before. It is not easy because not like other instrument that is mend for marching. If you want to play the oboe while marching, use harder reeds.
Re: oboe marching????
07:01 on Friday, April 18, 2003
Re: oboe marching????
17:47 on Wednesday, May 21, 2003
I think it would be a very bad idea to march with an oboe. And who would want to. Geez, those reeds are expensive enough, do you really want to break them every 20 seconds. If they say you don`t have to march take that and run. Don`t let them put you in pit. It`s a bad experience and nobody gets any respect.
Re: oboe marching????
20:47 on Wednesday, May 21, 2003
I really wish there was an easy way to march with an oboe. Because I think I`m stuck with just playing cymols. I want to learn another instrument, like maybe flute or clarinet, but my mom can`t afford another instrument and doesn`t want to rent one. So I am just wondering, do you think that there is any chance that the band director may let me borrow one of the school instruments over the season??? We are going to have 4 marching cymbol players with me included anyways, but is that something that a band director would do??? I think I may try to ask this Friday when I go to pick up my report card and want to know what chances I have of being able to.
Re: oboe marching????
05:05 on Friday, May 30, 2003
WHAT?! No respect in pit? Uhm..i dont think so. PIT is an important part like any other section but your school or whatever might not get it because the PEOPLE in it are acting like a tard. Im learning to oboe to play in concert season and im in PIT during marching season and let me tell you, PIT is well respected.
Re: oboe marching????
13:19 on Saturday, June 14, 2003
I dont know about where you live but in ohio where i live there is a state law that says that you cant march with a oboe becaue of the reed. that is what my band director said. I am going to play the flute. Go to www.marching-Eagles.org our bands national champs
Re: oboe marching????
22:43 on Tuesday, June 17, 2003
I marched with my oboe in a few parades as a younger student...but in the actual marching band, I was informed that it was unsafe to march with due to the sharpness of the reed. Supposedly, an oboe player cut her throat? I`m not sure If there is any truth in that or not. For marching Band, I play the clarinet. Not quite as fun, but nice to be able to play a few things. Though, I do tend to lose some valuable practice time during football season.
Re: oboe marching????
10:38 on Wednesday, June 18, 2003
I guess that`s lucky for you, that you were even allowed to march your oboe in parades. My band director won`t let me, so for a parade I had to march cymbals, and until I can get my hands on another instrument and learn it, cymbals are what I`m playing for marching season. I don`t really think you could cut your throat with the reed....but I`m pretty sure you could tear up the inside of your mouth. I came pretty close to it once when I was playing and my brother wacked me in the back. I got a small cut, but it would be really painful to get something as bad as you could get by tripping or something. Still...I wish there was an easy way to march with an oboe. Maybe those "single reed" things in that other post. (mostlikey not! lol)  But that would be an interesting idea. Well best of luck to you all!
Re: oboe marching????
01:12 on Saturday, July 5, 2003
It is really interesting that you mention marching oboes. I do believe that there are oboes made out of metal, i don`t know what kind, but i know there are. They have fewer keys but i hear they produce a close (to a wooden oboe) but metal sound. If you want to do something besides cymbals get some sticks and pratice for Bass Drum line, or snare/tenor line. I made head bass leader the second year and i play oboe!
Re: oboe marching????
15:32 on Tuesday, July 15, 2003
Well, I have been marching with the oboe for about 4 years now. I have never gotten hurt by my reed, just a little cut if I bring my reed up too fast. I admit it is very hard to march with an Oboe! You get out of breath from marching, then you have to blow into a tiny hole. Plus, my small town school teacher doesn`t know a thing about Oboes. I have a hard time during Pep Band season, I have to write my own music! But I am never left out of band activities.
Re: oboe marching????
16:20 on Tuesday, July 15, 2003
Re: oboe marching????
18:39 on Wednesday, December 24, 2003
u normally dont play in marching band