Mozart`s Concerto K.314
19:23 on Wednesday, March 12, 2003
Is there any difference at all between Mozart`s Oboe Concerto and his Flute Concerto No.2 besides the fact that one is in D and the other is in C? I`m a clarinetist without too much knowledge of flute or oboe repertoire and was just wondering.
Re: Mozart`s Concerto K.314
01:59 on Thursday, March 13, 2003
yes aside from a few different notations,
for example there is this semiquaver repeat in the flute version,
and it was written (i believed arranged) to become the quavers as it is on the previous measure
Re: Mozart`s Concerto K.314
19:35 on Friday, March 14, 2003
he he he, i live in the united states. is the equivalent of a quaver a quarter note and semiquaver an eigth note?
Re: Mozart`s Concerto K.314
01:59 on Sunday, March 16, 2003
well..........i supposed the whole world lives with the same idea right?
Re: Mozart`s Concerto K.314
18:16 on Sunday, March 16, 2003
Nope, I guess not, I have heard people from other countries (England in particular) use the term "semiquaver", but me being from the US have no clue what that means. Is it as the other person said a quaver is a quarter note, and a semi quaver an eighth note? Or what?
Re: Mozart`s Concerto K.314
01:24 on Monday, March 17, 2003
yupe you are right
a semibreve is a whole note
a minim a half note
a crotchet a quarter note
a quaver an eight note
a semi quaver a 16th note
a demi semi quaver a 32th note
Re: Mozart`s Concerto K.314
18:47 on Monday, March 17, 2003
and i heard that ya call 64th notes a "hemidemisemiquaver"?
Re: Mozart`s Concerto K.314
09:14 on Sunday, March 23, 2003
not quite sure about that
why don`t we call them trills instead....
Re: Mozart`s Concerto K.314
14:30 on Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Re: Mozart`s Concerto K.314
19:31 on Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Re: Mozart`s Concerto K.314
23:34 on Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Re: Mozart`s Concerto K.314
19:09 on Wednesday, April 7, 2004
Re: Mozart`s Concerto K.314
23:52 on Saturday, April 10, 2004
Mozart`s flute concerto in D major is a reworked version of the oboe concerto in C major, in fact it`s survival is the only reason we have his oboe concerto, since his scores/manuscript of that did not survive.
Re: Mozart`s Concerto K.314
20:51 on Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Hey, so do any of you have the oboe piece (Oboe Concerto in C, K. 314)? Or do you know any way of getting it for free?? Thanks,