Oboe breathing exercise
20:07 on Saturday, March 15, 2003
Need help. Anyone knows any breathing exercise to help with oboe playing? I tend to get out of breath real quickly!
Oboe breathing exercise
02:12 on Sunday, March 16, 2003
there are a few points concerning this....
do you apply pressure to your air (as in the air that comes out)?
that is a definite must for oboe players.
maybe you can try to practise long tones more frequently.
those will not only improve your air support but also tone quality.
is your playing posture correct?
do your shoulders go up when you breath in? is they do you are pushing your lungs, causing a problem in air cavity.
air breathing exercises....really not quite sure but i suppose if you are in a band of some sort your band director must know more a less a bit about that. and one more thing, try to relax yourself before playing, playing the oboe needs a very relaxed and consistent mind.....before playing try to take a few deep big breaths. and make sure you have sufficient warm up.
Oboe breathing exercise
06:32 on Monday, April 14, 2003
hey, not an expert or anything, but
i find a few thing help...
~long tones definitely;
~try to make sure you sit up straight to make sure the air flow isn`t cut off or "muffled";
~a few minutes before playing, take breathings.....a few in four out eight, in four out four, in two out two, and then just a few, "long" ins and outs
~and practice a lot at home to try to improve the breathing....
hope that helped at all! good luck!!!! 
Re: Oboe breathing exercise
07:06 on Friday, April 18, 2003
Re: Oboe breathing exercise
20:00 on Thursday, August 21, 2003
Long tones do help but those are a little advanced but for begginning you would want to try playing a C Major Scale "tonguing on the wind" and you would play the low C 4 times and than go up to the D and play the first D and then breathe OUT then complete the last 3 D`s and then go up to the E and then breathe IN then complete the last 3 E`s. Keep going with switching between breathing IN & OUT going all the way up to High C (This is an exercise used in Barret Method Book)Remember! Keep time (if you have trouble use a metronome)
Hope this helps your breathing! (It helped mine)
P.S. This whole exercise involves you pushing your stomach out with your muscles. (If it hurts= GOOD. It will stop hurting eventually)