a question about vibratto
15:25 on Sunday, March 23, 2003
I`ve been playing the oboe for some time now. I don`t have a tutor at the moment and can`t figure out how to get a cood clear vibratto. Any and all help is welcome.
Re: a question about vibratto
16:34 on Sunday, March 23, 2003
The best way to use vibrato is to say "ha" repeatedly through the instrument as you are playing a note. This may take awhile to master, but if you work on it everyday, you should be able to get it down. However, be careful that you dont fall into using bad habits such as using your throat.
Re: a question about vibratto
18:42 on Sunday, March 23, 2003
I understand how that works with some instruments but I never seem to be able to figure out exactly how to say "ha" through an oboe. I know its pretty sad considering I have now been playing for almost 3 years. But I read on some website that you pump your stomach very lightly and it will come along too.... is that true????
Re: a question about vibratto
18:49 on Sunday, March 23, 2003
I wouldnt really consider it a stomach pumping, but that usually does happen as a sort of side effect when one is first learning to use this technique. However, once a person has it down, there is really no stomach movement. As for not knowing how to say "ha", I really dont know what to tell you, other than to just practice.
Re: a question about vibratto
06:14 on Tuesday, March 25, 2003
i wouldn`t suggest that kind of a practise method. Vibrato depends on air pressure, and the use of your stomach very strongly, go to
http://www.wfg.woodwind.org/BBoard/ and ask Torus Tubarius on this topic. He is a very experienced oboe player and can explain very clearly to you on how to practise vibrato and other topics.
Re: a question about vibratto
02:34 on Sunday, March 30, 2003
omg i cant take this anymore
Re: a question about vibratto
02:06 on Thursday, April 3, 2003
Hey I learn the oboe and am doing grade 8 this year. My teacher has told me that when I do vabratto, you think of a long wiggley line which is endless. Make sure it is not coming from your throat Start off, each time you practise, doing 5 minutes of vib. on a few notes. Trust me. It helps and you`ll get better at it. : )
Re: a question about vibratto
03:07 on Saturday, April 5, 2003
(Adam Parnell)
Vibrato is one of the most difficult things to do on oboe... right. Many young oboists learn it wrong and then end up paying for it later. The best way that i have seen on here so far is the way jim described by say ha into the instrument because it doesn`t force the abdominal muscles to do the work-- this will only cause you to lose support of the tone, which will be VERY bad. Another "fake" method that oboists use is to open and close the throat... again it ruins the tone, because an open throat, besides the abdominal support, is the most important factor to getting a good sound. By "spinning" the air (yes thinking "ha") will produce a beautiful vibrato WITH DAILY PRACTICE, that will enhance your sound. I am going to oberlin conservatory of music next year, and would be able to answer any questions you might have!
Good luck in your oboe studies,
Adam Parnell
Re: a question about vibratto
23:44 on Friday, April 11, 2003
You can make vibrato with the “ha” way but that is not true vibrato. Vibrato should come a natural thing after playing the oboe for a long time. Vibrato will come sooner or later if you don’t have it yet work on your tone and it will come with the right support and air pressure. if this doesn’t happen then go to the last resort artificial vibrato the "ha" method.
Re: a question about vibratto
18:39 on Sunday, January 18, 2004
That`s ironic. I just learned vibratto with my tutor about a month ago. Though I am not 1st chair in my band (junior high), I still know a lot. I have a great sound as told by my directors and tutor. Vibratto: The important thing about vibratto is to use your stomach and diaphram. It does not require your throat at all.
Start by `shortening` your air flowing into the oboe. (By shortening I mean breathing like ha, ha, ha. Mentioned earlier by someone else.) Then you build your vibratto by quicken the short breaths. You should be able to feel your stomach move even a bit slightly.
Keep practicing, you`ll eventually get it. If you need any other oboe-related help or anything else, please feel free to contact me. Hope this helps. 