Oboes and Soprano Saxophones Conversions
23:17 on Saturday, April 12, 2003
I recently bought a soprano saxophone and my music teahcer told me that the nusic was the same as an oboe.....does anone know how to convert it?
Re: Oboes and Soprano Saxophones Conversions
09:08 on Sunday, April 13, 2003
(jordan Weiss)
Is the Soprano sax in E Flat like other saxes or in C like an oboe
Re: Oboes and Soprano Saxophones Conversions
13:50 on Sunday, April 13, 2003
the soprano is in Bb. Not all saxes are pitched in Eb.
Re: Oboes and Soprano Saxophones Conversions
23:03 on Monday, April 14, 2003
(Jordan Weiss)
if its in B Flat, add drop two flats (or add two sharps), you know what i mean then move it up a half step, its just like a clarinet
Re: Oboes and Soprano Saxophones Conversions
22:36 on Wednesday, April 16, 2003
(jordan Weiss)
sorry, sorry, typo you move up a full step sorry again