The tenons on my long joint have a tendency to expand in the hot weather (so i'm guessing), so sometimes, the long joint will stick into the boot and the bell to the long joint. it's a renard bassoon, so it has that string stuff instead of cork, and cork grease has never really seemed to help me with that (though i could try it again). does anyone else suffer from this, and if so, any suggestions? thanks!
Re: Weather and bassoon 10:45 on Saturday, August 4, 2007
I myself have corks but I've heard from people with string that they can unwind a bit if it gets too tight.
Also if you're not into cork grease some peeps seem to use vaseline.
I don't know though how that might affect the wood or metal so it might be good to check with someone who knows.
It's good if you can have a chat to a person who does the actual repairs and adjustments at a woodwind shop, not the sales types.
Re: Weather and bassoon 18:50 on Wednesday, September 5, 2007
just puttin this out there...i have a plastic renard with the string wrapped tenons, not cork, and i've never had to use ANYTHING on them, but i've been told to NEVER put grease on them, becaose it weakens the strings or something, but to use wax instead.