Wanting to buy a bassoon

Wanting to buy a bassoon    08:59 on Wednesday, April 23, 2008          

(2 points)
Posted by BassoonGoddess

I'm a college sophomore who just does not have time to continue taking non-major lessons. In order to rent a bassoon from the school, one must enroll in lessons. I want to purchase a bassoon, but I am afraid that I will pick a poor model.

In high school, I played on a Fox Renard 222 and I have been fortunate enough to play on a Heckel during my duration in the music school. I have been doing some research on my own, but I really just want some suggestions of good brands and models.

My price range is between $1000-$3000. Used or new would be appropriate.

Re: Wanting to buy a bassoon    11:30 on Thursday, April 24, 2008          

(771 points)
Posted by contra448


There have been a number of discussions on this forum on this subject in the last few months so would suggest having a look back at them.

With the money you have available I would say a new instrument is out of the question - they are out there in that price range but they are the cheap & nasty Chinese models. An older used bassoon of a known make should be a much better bet if chosen carefully.

As you have obviously been involved with playing recently talk to teachers & experienced players & get ideas from them - you never know somebody might be upgrading or giving up playing.

Good luck with the hunt.


Re: Wanting to buy a bassoon    12:31 on Saturday, April 26, 2008          

(371 points)
Posted by Drew

Contra448's advice is perfect. Do not try to buy a new bassoon with the money you have available. You will be dissatisfied after a time and will just be putting more money into a better bassoon.

This subject has been discussed at length in past threads on this forum, so do as he suggests and research all of them. You will find brand name suggestions and other people's opinions. It will be well worth your while.

Re: Wanting to buy a bassoon    12:34 on Sunday, April 27, 2008          

(771 points)
Posted by contra448

.....and drop strong hints to parents etc about the high cost of decent bassoons


Re: Wanting to buy a bassoon    12:35 on Sunday, April 27, 2008          

(771 points)
Posted by contra448

.....and drop strong hints to parents, grandparents etc about the high cost of even half decent bassoons



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