Low note flz. limitations

Low note flz. limitations    13:28 on Friday, May 16, 2008          

(8 points)
Posted by tuna

Hi, does anyone know if there are any limits to bassoon flutter tonguing especially in the lowest registers? I'm writing a piece that lots of low C/D flz - is it tricky to do that low and physically tiring?

Many thanks

Re: Low note flz. limitations    17:47 on Friday, May 16, 2008          

(371 points)
Posted by Drew

Are you talking about C below the bass clef staff? If so, the thing that would stop me would be the fingering, rather than the flutter tonguing. Notes below E natural below the bass clef staff are notoriously difficult to finger quickly.

Re: Low note flz. limitations    03:54 on Sunday, May 18, 2008          

(771 points)
Posted by contra448

Personally I find flutter tounging impossible on any note - not that I've ever needed to use it in a piece so have never tried very hard! The only instrument I've heard it used effectively on is flute.


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