16:41 on Sunday, February 15, 2004
Hi. my name is marty and im 14 years old. I love the sound of the bassoon and i`ve longed to play it and i now have the chance! Is there anything i should knw about when starting?
I have another question. Why do people make their own reeds? Is it hard?
Re: Starting
20:50 on Thursday, February 19, 2004
don`t think of making reeds until you can play the instrument. It`ll come if you desire it in the future.
Re: Starting
02:18 on Friday, March 26, 2004
(Ace Scout)
Always practice and don`t get discoraged if it doesn`t sound great at first.
Play on.
Re: Starting
21:06 on Sunday, March 28, 2004
People make their own reeds so they can fine tune their instrument to do what they want. It is also a great deal cheaper, and can provide higher quality reeds. Don`t worry about making your own reeds for a couple of years, and until you have a good control of the instrument, and you know how you want to make the instrument respond.