professional bassoons
17:24 on Wednesday, February 25, 2004
i have been playing bassoon for about 2 years and im planning on doing it through college and im wondering what the next level bassoon is. originally, a sax player, i am pretty ignorant on what makes or models are sufficient for my needs. what do you guys suggest?
Re: professional bassoons
22:08 on Thursday, February 26, 2004
Fox long bore ...cant beat the intonation.
Model 1 and 2
and I hear the Fox Renards are very respectable horns.
Re: professional bassoons
16:09 on Tuesday, April 12, 2005
I too am a converted sax player to bassoon. My private lessoons teacher says that a Fox 220 or 240 is the next step for me ,but that;s just for my needs,it could be different for you.good luck!!
Re: professional bassoons
16:37 on Tuesday, April 12, 2005
just brought a new moosmann (european model) 200 bassoon. pretty amazing. great intonation, tone is great,good looking, great keywork, including C-D rollers. Sings like a baby, particularly in the high register!!!
I found that on the fox renards, particularly the long bore, they were very stuffy up the top, you were pushing for it to sing, but the sound just wasnt coming
just try some out, whichever sounds the best, choose it.
Re: professional bassoons
14:45 on Friday, April 15, 2005
i play a renard 240 its an excelent bassoon but the higher register is a bit stuffy but its a very good higher level student bassoon in my opoinion. it would be perfect if yuo dont want to spend a million dollars.
Re: professional bassoons
14:46 on Friday, April 15, 2005
any wooden fox bassoon would be good
Re: professional bassoons
15:37 on Saturday, April 16, 2005
However, the renards seemed to be quite well down hte bottom.