Heres a few things that could make u a band geek aren`t in band, and you understand this list completely and more than ten of these articles apply to you.
Curtosy of Magen {Geez, guess I`ve been rubbing off on her...) `band` with your friends instead of `bond`.
Curtosy of Magen can`t walk and chew bubble gum, but you can march a perfect 8 per 5 with your eyes closed.*`re really hoping the stuff on this list will be applicable because you really want to be a band nerd. (no need to read any further; you`re definitely a band nerd)* list your band director as an emergency contact.*
...all your idols are dead. And have been for several centuries.*
...You couldn`t say that because you worship your band director/drum major/insert_name_of_favorite_living_composer/classical_musician_here make band jokes in a class where there are no other band people.*
...then try to explain, get exasperated, and have to say "It`s a band thing."* list your band director as a reference on job applications. know that you "Don`t go there."*`ve ever counted the tiles on the ceiling of your Biology teacher`s class room to get him to go to the band room.*
... you do fire drills, you complain that your teacher should let you go to the band room, since that is where you`d be in a real fire.* (gotta protect the clarinet) hear music and begin to mark time.*
...people want to contact you, so they call the band room.*
...your favorite song is by someone who died over a hundred years ago.* eat lunch in the band room.
...and usually dinner, too.*
...your read budget is higher than your food budget.* noticed I spelled "reed" wrong & it annoyed you.* don`t take double tonguing as a dirty joke.*
...infact, you still don`t get it. can tune a tenor sax.* remember this one time, at band camp...* fight for a sports locker saying, "Band is too a sport!" along with the cheerleaders.*`re in step with the people infront of you.* try to guess the tempo of your favorite songs.* think band camp is fun.* didn`t realize other people don`t.* point out key changes and dynamics when listening to the radio.*
...all your friends are in band.
...because you made them join. dream about band.*
...marching band.* movements.
...all you can think about is getting a new instrument, or...
...the new instrument you just got.* year, four months, eleven hours, and 35 minutes ago.*
...on a flute and clarinet duet, you don`t need microphones to be heard.* respond to band geek/dork.*
...and tentatively tell them it`s "band nerd".*
...and you`re proud of it.* actually get instrument jokes.*
...without realizing they`re jokes. get excited when people get new instruments.* skipped school to get your new instrument.*
...the entire day.*
...with your parent`s permission.*
...but came back for band.
...someone blows a whistle and your head automatically snaps up.* don`t mind changing clothes on the bus.*
...infact, you actually enjoy it.
...every guy/girl you`re interested in is in band.* remember flats and sharps better than your name. like wearing your uniform.* didn`t realize other people don`t.*
...people ask about your social life and you say, "Oh, you mean my clarinet?"*`ve every lost sleep before an audition.* see notes and clefs everywhere you look, even if they`re not really there.* (you know, D: looks sort of like a base clef with a line infront of it)`re alone and you suffocate because no one`s telling you to breathe.
...people have commented on how much you look like your instrument.`re the webmaster of your band`s website. can play more than one instrument well.*
...not counting your primary made in different keys. (ei: A Clarinet, C Trumpet) understand more Italian than English.`ve devoted pages to band on your website.*
...your entire site is about band.*
...all of your conversations eventually get around to the subject of band.
...unless you started them, because then they`re already about band.
...your marching band has sleepovers during band camp. (wouldn`t that be cool?) have to explain to the freshmen about each and every member of the band.**
...and you enjoy it.`ve ever scared someone *out* of being in band.*
...because you`re so weird.*`ve ever scared someone *in* to being in band.* can finish other band members` sentences.*
...your email address/screen name has your instrument on it.*
...and your password has to do with your instrument.* think it`s funny to hide someone`s music.*
...but realize it`s suicidal to hide their instrument.*
...but think that`s really funny too.* think it`s funny to write on a trumpet with a dry erase marker.*
...your instrument has a name.
...and more than three people know it.
...your instrument has a nickname.
...and more than three people know it.
...your instrument doesn`t have a name, but you have a whole philosophy about how naming it would limit its diversity and ability to grow and adapt.* (If you`re really interested, click here) remember your instrument`s birthday better than your own.
...and you celebrate it.
...making a line is your biggest accomplishment of the day.*
...people ask about your social life and you say, "Are you going to be at the pep band on Friday?"* practice your instrument more than you talk to your dog.* like practicing your instrument.* didn`t realize other people don`t.*
...people worry when they see you without an instrument.* (Magen thought I was dying the day I didn`t have my clarinet)
..."armed guard" means a person with a flag pole, not a guy with a gun.*`re used to how weird drummers are.* didn`t realize drummers are weird.
...backwards marching no longer reminds you of ballet.
...backwards marching never reminded you of ballet.*
...but now that you mention it...* wear your marching shoes to school.* wear your marching shoes to places other than school, also not involving band.*
...and not just to break them in.* see your section more than your family.* didn`t realize this was strange.* worship your director as God.
...and your drum major as Allah.
...and you didn`t realize this was weird.*
...everyone wants to kill the other football team... and you want to kill the other band.*
...then decide it`s not worth it since your band is so much better anyway.* have dreams about band.*
...about your director.
...about your drum major. think marching practice should be longer & there are way too many water breaks.* accidentally call your director Dad.`ve been inside your director`s car.
...his house. own a band shirt.*
...and not just because it`s required.*
...and more than one, too.*
...from different places.* for every day of the week.* actually can sight-read.* can put on a uniform in under ten minutes.*
...and you`ve timed yourself doing it. (Courtesy of KC) like the way reeds taste.* didn`t realize other people don`t.* like the smell of your instrument.*
...infact, it`s quite comforting.*
...Burger King is part of your daily diet.*
...your band director really is always right.* decide that you want to learn every single band instrument before you graduate. like being in places with egotistical trumpet players.* didn`t realize this was weird.*
...because you didn`t realize they were egotistical. start to spell Band with a capital B.
...your band director, drum majors, section leader, band captains, and drill instructors are all on your speed dial, or...
...why have them on speed dial when you have them all memorized anyway?
...all of your rides home are from band people.*
...bonus point if it`s your drum major, captain, director, or section leader--* can really relate to Michelle from American Pie. actually know who Michelle is.*
...and you think she`s cool. wish you could go to band camp all summer.* no longer think it`s weird to be refered to as a number on a drill sheet.*
...infact, you never did.*
...come to think of it, you think it`s pretty cool to be refered to as "C10".
...your favorite thing to do is practice.
...your second favorite thing to do is read band jokes.
...your third favorite is marching practice.
...because you just love high-stepping, I mean show-stepping.* :P send funny music pages to all the musicians you know.* the nonmusicians you know.*
...not that you know any nonmusicians.* actually understood why people got their awards at the band banquet.* think it`s cute to teach your dog to bark the school fight song while the band plays it.* can automatically recite the first 7 letters of the alphabet.*
...and you can`t remember the other 19. roll-step so you don`t spill your lunch.*
...or just for the heck of it.*`d rather practice than read this list.*
...or write it.*
((40 minutes later)) get more than half the jokes on this list.* get all the jokes on this list.*
...and aren`t offended by them.*
...because you didn`t realize they were jokes. hang out in the band room before, during, and after school.*
...during your study period.*
...over the summer.*
...even on weekends occasionally.* think your band director is cool & your drum major is God.`ve ever been complimented by your band director.* take lessons from your band director. talk more about band than anything else.*
...accidentally.* play along with your band`s CD.*
...for fun.*`ve ever jog-stepped during PE.*
...done the really cool Cal Band drum major back bend where their hat touches the ground (or at least attempted to)`ve ever started a sentence with, "There was this one time at band camp..."*
...without realizing it.*`ve ever been to a non-school affiliated summer band camp.*
...and had fun.*
...and didn`t realize that was weird.* know your band director`s phone number. know your drum major`s phone number.* know your band director`s liscence plate number. relate everything to band.* have an involuntary foot tapping to any music.* don`t mind getting up at three thirty in the morning to go play an audition in the middle of nowhere.*
...infact, you enjoy it.* know how many people are in the band.* each section.*
...and their names.* know more people in band than in your graduating class.*`ve ever been hysteric over a piece of music.*
...your car automatically goes to the parking spot nearest the band room.
...what car?*
...your meeting spot with friends is the bandroom.*
...and they don`t have to ask anymore.* look forward to rehearsal!*
...and didn`t realize this was weird.* want your parent to become a band parent.*
...what do you mean want? they are.
...whenever someone asks what we don`t want, you aptly reply, "No hot dogs!!!"* don`t see anything abnormal or odd about practicing for three months for a twenty-five minute concert.*
...for a five minute piece.* go to the bandroom when you cut class (with a pass).*
...without a pass.*
...and your band director doesn`t mind.*
...infact, he`s happy you`re there.* don`t see anything odd about practicing All-State etudes for four months for a ten minute audition.*
...heck, you`re practicing six months.* constantly practing fingerings.* a relaxation technique.*
...without realizing it.*`ve ever gone to a CD store looking for a CD of someone that plays your instrument.*
...and wondered why they didn`t have any.*
...and made an official complaint about it.*
...because you were really angry.*`ve made a band documentary. think that`s a good idea.*`ve ever invented a musical term that your band actually uses. get a piece of music to memorize for marching band and it takes you 15 minutes to memorize it.
...and you didn`t realize it takes other people longer.
...a lot longer. no longer think that the oboe and bassoon are weird instruments and wonder why all the freshmen flock to see them when taken out of their case and played.* can describe everyone in band using the names of dynamics/accents.* start to refer to football season as marching season.* always have.*
...and never thought to call it something else.* can hum, play, and sing your parts.* could care less if someone beats you up, but they lay a finger on your instrument and you`re ready to kick some ass.*
...luckily, you don`t have to worry about that, since EVERYONE knows better.*
...even your little brother.*
...and your pets.* think marching in the rain is fun.* go trick-or-treating in your band uniform. think that`s a cool idea.*
...but you wouldn`t since it might get hurt.*
...and you`re friends with the uniform manager, so, you know, that might be bad.* know more about the lives of dead 17th century composers than you do about the lives of your friends.
...your parents no longer worry about where you are; if they want you, they call the band room.*
...and they believe you when you say you were out all night practicing.*
...because you were.* pay more attention to your instrument than your pets.* actually know how to fix your embouchure.* think your director`s jokes are funny.* didn`t realize other people don`t.* know that the key to the band room is worn down and the door never unlocks so the director always goes through the office.*
...only now he`s go a new key, so he doesn`t.* miss more days of school for band than for illnesses.*
...even when you`re ill you show up to band.*
...with a temperature.*
...about 102 degrees.* (only once & it was for a concert!)`ve ever given up your entire lunchtime to practice.*
...and didn`t think it was odd.*`ve ever made all-state.* ran for band council.*`re on band council.*`re excited because your office takes the most work.`ve been depressed for a week about an audition.*
...even though you got in.* have a permanent dent in your bottom lip.*
...your favorite piece is something you played in band.* a summer camp you voluntarily attended.* know your instrument`s serial number.`ve bookmarked band pages in your web browser.* other people`s web browsers.*
...your favorite website is a band page.*
...dedicated to your instrument.*
...and you know the URL by heart.*
...and you visit so often you only need to type in the first letter of the URL before Navigator pops up the URL for you.*
...and you actually knew that without checking.*
...and you don`t find this at all strange.*
...instead of writing `and` you write `band`. think that`s a cool idea.*
...your Napster library is filled with songs you`ve played in band.* keep track of how long you practice.*
...doesn`t everyone?*`ve ever been compared to your drum major.*
...your band director.*
...and took it as a compliment.* don`t try to hide the fact that you`re in band.*
...infact, you tell people without them asking.* wish you were going to two consecutive band camps.* are going to two consecutive band camps. wear band shirts to school.*
...and not because it`s required.*
...hey, did I tell you I`m getting this really cool pep band outfit for next marching season?* have a band related nick-name.
...more than one.`d rather have a root canal than miss practice.*
...on the topic, you`ve ever gone to rehearsal after a root canal* (I don`t reccomend it though)`ve cut out every single article that featured your band in it.*
...featuring other bands in it.*
...and not just your favorite band.*
...infact, any band.* can`t wait until the band banquet.* cry when you have to go home at the end of band camp. have a band related email address.* have a band related website.* make a list of how you know you`re a band nerd when...*
...and give it to your biology teacher.* have to glue together a skeleton in biology, so you name him Bob & draw a clarinet in his hand.* skip school to go to band rehearsal.* refer to people by instrument, not name.*
...when you go somewhere new, you try to guess what instrument everyone plays.*
...even if it`s not a band related event/place.* name the "walk" sign guy "Bob" after your band director, because you have to watch him too.* give people band related nicknames, then laugh when you`re the only one who gets it.* have a different band shirt for every day of the week.*
...and you actually wear them.*
...because you think they`re cool.* laugh at Mr. Maltester`s "John Philip So" joke.*
...and the vegetable joke.* played Bourgeois` Serenade, then walked around all day trying to figure out how his wife walked down the aisle in 11/8 & 13/8 time.*
...and found a way that worked without looking dumb.*
...keeping the left foot on one.* really do love octave jumps. can`t laugh at your friend for liking guys` calves because you like guys with good tone quality. use band as a synonym for life.* can`t wait for school to start because you want to go to band.* actually miss having five hours of rehersal every day.* know what a picardy third is.
...and a Neopolitan Sixth.
...and they`re your favorite way to end a song.
...your favorite show is A&E`s Breakfast With The Arts. confuse ligatures with ligaments in biology.*`re getting a new mouthpiece/ligature for your birthday.*
...and you`re excited about it!*
...your friend mistakes your white shoes for marching shoes, you correct her, then comment on how cool it would be if they were marching shoes.*
...well, actually, they were marching shoes...`re watching Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, and in the middle of your favorite scene, all you can think is, "Wow, listen to that clarinet!"* contrast how the tune sounds when the fiddle plays it and when the clarinet plays it; it`s fun and jovial when played by the fiddle & sad and nostalgic played by the clarinet...* go shopping for a birthday card for a family member whose birthday is the next day, and you wind up buying one for your director whose birthday is at least 9 months away.*
Curtosy of Richie spent over an hour looking up TV listings for the Disney Channel Original "Totally In Tune" because you heard it was about band.*
...then, of course, proceeded to watch the very next showing.* (Sunday at 12pm/11 am central if you`re interested)`ve ever had a trombone-ectomy. get all my band jokes.* scored 100% on my band nerd purity test.* watch Sesame Street and comment on their chord progression.*
...all the music you download is stuff you`ve played in band and/or classical music.*
...your entire website is about band.*
...your dogs wince when they see you pull out your clarinet, because they know what that means.* see your band director on a weekly basis over the summer.*
...and you didn`t think that was weird.*
...more than half the CDs you own are of people who play the same instrument as you and/or classical music.* just know there`s a secret evil reed conspiracy.* refer to your instrument as "my baby."*`ve ever said, "If you hurt him/her, I will kill you," and were refering to your instrument.*
...then realized how dangerous it was to leave your instrument with them & just took it with you.*
...a substitute has ever had to tell you, "Please stop tapping, this isn`t band."*
...a substitute has ever asked, "Is anyone in here in band?" -- and the whole class pointed at you, even though there were other people in band there.*
...subs that do know you always write you passes to go to the band room, because they know you`re really going there.* get a history assignment to choose an important event of the 20th century, and instead of choosing one of the World Wars, or the Great Depression, you choose the big band swing era.*
...the best compliment of your life is, "Were you in the Wind Symphony at all-state?" have a favorite type of cadence.*`ve ever liked someone purely because of their talent as a musician.* (I know, I know, how shallow, but they weren`t really a nice person, so what else could I like them for?)`ve ever gotten angry because you found out this really great musician from all-state isn`t going to be a music major, but is going to some Christian college instead, which is cool & all, but how could he not be a music major when he`s so wonderful!?!*
...while watching music videos on VH1`s weekly countdown, you discuss the rich overtones (or lack there of) in various singers` voices.*`ve memorized your high school band`s "philosophy".*
...and you actually believe in it.*`ve ever heard Andrew Crotto`s story about how there was this one month of his junior year when he had a band thing every single day (yes, he kept the calendar page), and you wish you could say that too.*
...or... you laugh at him, because you`ve gone 2+ months straight. met more than three of your closest friends at band camp. get frustrated with your high school band director because sometimes he doesn`t take the music serious enough.*`ve ever been guilty of double lipping.* hear a song that goes, "Hey Mozart, what kind of name is Amadeus?" and get instantly offended, thinking, "Hey, what`s wrong with Amadeus?"* (don`t worry, she ends up saying something nice about him)* use this list as a checklist.* refer to home row (typing) as middle C position (hey, both your thumbs are on the same key).*`re proud because out of all the pages on your website, this one takes up the most space.* have the strong compulsion to write `band` instead of `and`.
...someone says stand, and you think they`re talking about something you put music on.* keep in touch with your middle school band director.* say `we` and `us`, and everyone automatically assumes you`re refering to the band.* make Amanda Capps look normal.`ve ever practiced three or more hours non-stop.*
...your idea of "not prepared" for a lesson is only practicing five hours that week.* feel guilty when you go a whole day without practicing.*
...even though not seeing your family/friends for a whole week doesn`t seem to phase you.* (hey, I was at band camp, what did you expect?) visit your school band`s website daily, even though it hasn`t been updated for almost a year.
...people ask you what you want to do and you respond "practice."*
...then they add, "Well, aside from the obvious."*`re the only person who shows up to a pep band.`d choose the band banquet over senior ball any day.* spend all your chat time in the Classical Music Lounge.* mean to write "unicorn" but instead your write "uniform".* automatically assumed that by "uniform" I meant "band uniform."* get random calls over the summer from bandsmen you don`t even know asking you when band camp is & where to buy marching shoes & does the band director have our trio music yet.*
0000...ok, so you know all the bandsmen who call, but only because you know all the bandsmen.*
0000...even the incoming freshman. (ok, so you don`t know them, but you do know their names, instruments, and phone numbers...)* go to the Corn Festival (Or Garlic Festival, whatever your little town has) just to hear the jazz band perform.*`ve ever screamed for your favorite performer (e.g. "Go Eric!") at a classical or jazz concert.* (Yeah, it`s really rude at a classical concert, but who doesn`t cheer at jazz concerts?) collect all the dove chocolate wrappers that say something about music.* try to convince the incoming freshman that pep bands are really fun.*
...because you think they`re really fun.*
...and think they`re snooty because they roll their eyes and say they have too many things to do.*
...when your calendar has more band stuff on it than your whole family does for their entire lives.* (But band is my life) memorize music better than vocab words.* raise your hand in English, and your teacher says, "Yes, Jessica, you can go to the band room. Would you like a pass?" Or "No, Jessica, you cannot go to the band room today. Please put your hand down."*
...and you wonder how she knew that`s what you were going to ask.* drop your AP class because you`re afraid it`ll take away too much time from band activities. say Mr. Smith, and everyone knows you`re talking about the band director, even though there are two (three if you count admin) Mr. Smiths at your school.*`ve ever slept in the band room.* make your own comic strip about band camp! Check out Tales From Band Camp! get your yearbook, and the first thing you do is count how many people you knew last year: 107. Hey, weren`t there 107 people in band last year?

...the second thing you do is count how many band pictures there are in the yearbook.* also count how many pictures of band people there are in the yearbook.*
...then you complain that sports get half the yearbook and the band only gets two pages.*
...and then you strongly and seriously consider joining yearbook staff next year to get more band pictures in.* consider buying pencils for the whole band just so everyone has an anti-detention device.* own band underwear, and you proudly admit to wearing them. (come on, me, wear boxers? Hello, I`m a girl! ...otherwise, yeah.) make up your own version of the Bible and call it The Band Bible.*
Transcribed From 5th Period:`re writing a list of "You Know You`re A Band Nerd When" in your AP English class.*
...on the back of your test.* get excited because "glissandos" is one of your vocab words.*
...and you, of course, use the opening to Rhapsody in Blue in your example sentence.*
...when you`re working on identifying tone and Ms. Rod asks you to bring in a CD, of course it`s a solo by someone playing your instrument.*
...a solo that you happen to have played in the past.* can relate any close reading to band.*
...and still have it make sense.*
End Transcription
...all your teachers know what instrument you play.*
...and realize that band comes before school.* groan about "Why did I sign up for choir?" and your English teacher reminds you it`s to help you in band.* constantly say "Louis Armstrong" when talking about space exploration.* (no, he wasn`t the first man on the moon...) speculate that Tom Wallace must be a really cool guy.* knew who Tom Wallace was without me having to tell you he arranges all the marching music.*
...your mom buys you a napkin holder and you get excited--because it has a treble clef on it.* know what the real name of "railroad tracks" is.* (that`s for me to know, and you to look up...) calculate how many letter points you need to get five stars this year and how to get that many letter points.*`ve ever said, "I`m sorry, what was that?" to a trumpet or marching horn player.* (that takes more than just nerdiness, that takes guts and a very reliable set of earplugs LOL)`ve ever marched an entire field show in your living room.* (playing along with the CD from memory, of course) go to an electronics store and tune all the stereos to the classical station.*
Curtosy of Holden ...of the non-Caulfield variety

(Sorry, I love that book...) practice your trumpet while walking home.
Inspired by Shane form a mini-block/stand-in-drum-major and high step to Taco Bell.*
...and actually do what he orders you to.*`ve emailed this list to everyone--including your band director.*
Inspired by eRiKa call in sick to school so you can spend the whole day in the band room.* force the freshman flutist to sacrifice her underwire so you can pick the lock to get into the band room.
...even the people at band camp tell you you`re too much of a band nerd.* take band nerd quizzes to prove your nerdiness.*
...and go back to change the answers so that you get the most band nerdy results, or...
...have never had to change the answers to get the most band nerdy results.* can name everyone in band from memory.*
...and you spell their names right.* refer to people by section/instrument, not name.* think after school/lunchtime sectionals are fun.*
...afterall, you are the person who organizes them.* feel useless when you`re not doing something band related.
...even though you did have a three hour rehearsal today.* cry and hyperventilate when you find a crack in your clarinet.*
...and when people start talking about burning your clarinet for fire wood.* consider yourself homeless when you get kicked out of the band room.* make your friends who aren`t in band high step around campus with you.
Inspired by Jonathan take your younger sibling`s barbies and make a marching band.* (just once, I swear! lol) don`t have tea parties, you have band banquets.
Inspired by Alice in Wonderland`s Christmas day, and you`re working on your band website.* get a car for Christmas and you`re disappointed -- you asked for reeds. practice on Christmas, your birthday, New Years eve, Thanksgiving...* bring your instrument with you on vacation so you can practice.*
...and actually do practice.* get upset when someone didn`t know you were in band.*
...your final clue as secret santa is "when I think of how to describe myself, the term `band nerd` comes to mind" -- and they automatically know who it is.* drop choir to be in a second band.* have a sub, so you run to the band room and get a note from the band director excusing you from class so you can hang out in the band room.* complain because there are five choirs and only three bands.* look up band terms ("Mozart", "glissando", "allegro") in the dictionary/encyclopedia for fun.*
...even though you already know what they mean.* think Saturday competitions are more fun than getting presents on Christmas.
The following ways You Know You`re A Band Nerd When are curtosy of Monica:`re asked who the people in your family are and start naming band people.
...a lyre is a fashion must.* begin to think those funny hats you wear when marching (I mean shakos) are kind of cool.*
...and you wished you owned one.*
...someone behind you says "band geek" and you turn around.*
...being a band geek is a good thing.* value your instrument more than life itself. follow over (carrying your instrument), smack your head on the concrete, and are more worried about your instrument than yourself.* accidentally call your band director dad. wish your band director was your dad.
...your band director responds when you call him dad. have your friends in two categories: band friends and non-band friends.*
...then you eliminate the second category, realizing there`s no one in it.
...going 2+ hours in 90 degree heat without water is easy.* think your band shirt is "pretty" "hip" or "stylish"*
...and you constantly wear it in public.* have all the band shirts you`ve ever gotten in the back of your closet.*
...and wouldn`t give them up for anything.* still have last year`s music memorized. still have all your music from every year you`ve been in band.* (I mean, no, what are you talking about? I returned that...) make up sets for your favorite songs.
...everywhere you go reminds you of something that happened in band.
...your favorite memories have something to do with band.*
...bus rides are fun.*
...seeing trumpet players empty their spit valves doesn`t gross you out anymore.* feel more comfortable standing at attention than anything else.`re sitting in class and begin practicing fingering on your pencil.*
...that last sentence didn`t sound dirty to you.*
...a metronome doesn`t hurt your ears anymore.* (the metronome is my friend) think of what life without band would be and begin to cry.*
...uniforms are sexy.* (only on certain people... lol omg, I didn`t say that...)`ve considered writing a book about your experiences in band. have written a book about your experiences in band.
...your crush is always someone in band.* (Hey, I`m not superficial, but the only people I know are in band, so it wouldn`t make sense for my crush to not be in band)
...having a crush on someone outside of band is just plain weird.*
...your band could kick the football team`s butt.
...and that`s a well known fact.
...numbers above 8 aren`t important.*
...letters about G aren`t important.* hear a song on the radio and it only takes you a minute to figure out how to play it on your instrument.`re so inspired by this list, that you`ve decided to go make your own. (nope, sorry, already did that lol) with lyrics begins to sound kind of strange to you.
...."Oboe" is one of your favorite words, `cause it sounds so fun. I mean, think about it - oboe. Oh-bow. It`s fun. *cough*fluteplayer*cough*
...marching over someone who is unconscious from being slapped by a flag doesn`t phase you anymore. (just kidding, color guard!)
...your band director is your hero.
...even if s/he did call you out for talking when you weren`t (so true).
...People worry when they don`t see you polishing/holding/playing/talking to/kissing/hugging/admiring/etc. your instrument.*
...You`ve never been seen not polishing/holding/playing/talking to/kissing/hugging/admiring/etc. your instrument.
...People who aren`t in band stare at you funny when you say you`ve been studying your fingering chart.
...people who aren`t in band don`t stare at you funny when you say you`ve been studying your fingering chart -- you`ve already told them, it`s a band thing.*
...Non-band people think "oh, great ... " whenever you walk up because they know they are going to bombard them with words like flank, attention, four count turn, parade rest, tune, mark time, slide, eight by eight, to the rear, and so on.*
...Some non-band people actually understand you when you start talking to them like that (`cause you do it so freaking much).*
...You scream and have to find a seat whenever UNA marches onto a field.
...You see bands like UNA perform and cry because it was so inspiring.
...You can`t empty your pockets without finding screw drivers, valve oil, cork grease, etc. ... even if you never use any of that stuff.*
...Band isn`t just an extracurricular activity, it`s a way of life.*
...You relate to this stuff.*
...Standing is more natural than sitting.
...Your drum major refers to you as "that funny flute girl."
...Your drum major has said that she wishes she played flute so she could be a "funny flute girl."
...You know someone`s personality by what instrument they play.*
...You can`t walk into a music store without sighing happily because its like you just walked into heaven.*
...You consider owning a music store someday and calling it "Heaven."
...You get angry at the cheerleaders when they take the band`s pretty sign down from the fence in front of the bleachers. (haha, our cheerleaders like us... j/k)
...You goal is to someday be able to play every instrument known to man and then make some new ones so you can play those, too.
...You`ve wanted to meet the guy who`s name is on your instrument case so you can thank them for making your instrument.*
...Marching in the rain is the funnest thing in the world - even if you have to jerk your shoe out of two inches of mud and nearly fall on your butt a few times.*
...You can`t pass a football field without smiling because it`s makes you think of band.*
...You wish daylight savings would occur at 3:00 p.m. instead of 2:00 a.m. - that way you`d get an extra hour of band practice!
...You`ve actually come up with 100 things to put on a "You Know You`ve Been In Band Too Long When" list!!*
...You count down the days to band camp.*
...And cheer when it finally comes.*
...You get seriously insulted whenever someone says about how all the band does is "walk around".*
...And spend at least an hour telling (actually yelling) them otherwise.
...Until they start to cry and say "Ok, ok! Just, please, let me go home!"
...A day just isn`t complete without holding your instrument.*
...And when it has to be repaired, and you can`t hold it, you go into serious withdrawl.*
...You respond to the name of your instrument more than your actual name.
...You wish your name was the name of your instrument.
...You constantly dress to your row (in the classroom) to make sure your desk is in line.
...Whenever a teacher calls on your to answer a question, and you don`t know the answer, you say "Band?"
...No one laughs at you for that anymore, because it happens so dang it much.
...And the reason it happens so dang it much is because you don`t have time to study, you have to make sure you`re playing every note for band perfectly, and marching the set for it perfectly.*
...Even before you started the band, you would run to the local band room and march their sets with them, because it`s just plain fun.
...Anyone who thinks it isn`t fun must be from another planet.*
...Which means that a bunch of people must be from another planet.*
..."Band" makes up most of your vocabulary.
...In fact, band is the only word in your vocabulary.
...Well, other than marching commands, duh.
...You`ve lovingly put astro-turf down on your floor and painted white stripes on it - so you can practice marching all the time.
...Your photo albums etc. contain nothing but pictures of the band.
...You always go to football games and competitions and always will - even if your back is broken in fifteen different places.*
...It doesn`t hurt if a trombone/flag/etc. smacks you on the head anymore - you`re too used to it.
...You wish you owned a band.
...Walking without lifting your toes feels weird to you.*
...therefore you never do it.*
...You can tune any instrument by ear - even a tuba (whoa, you`re good!).
...Piccolo`s really don`t seem that loud to you anymore.
...You don`t shudder when flutes play without being tuned first.
...OR, your flute section actually sounds good without being tuned, because they`ve been in band too long, too.
...If a raging fire and/or tornado ripped through the area, the only thing you would care about was getting to your precious instrument.* can`t live without your precious instrument.*
...You`ve actually been amused enough to read this far in one sitting.
...You never wear jewelry or fingernail polish - you`d just have to remove it for football games/competition anyway.*
...The first question you ask somebody, after you ask their name, is "Are you in band?"*
...ok, ok... before asking their name.
...If they say no you walk away immediately.
...Or you force them to be in band, because they seem really cool, but you can`t be seen with someone who isn`t in band.
...You think that the dances your band director makes you do are sooooo cool, no matter how stupid they really are.*
...But, of course, they`re never stupid because they`re part of being in band.*
...You often do these "cool" dances in the hall because they`re so ... "cool."
...Anyone who makes fun of the band in front of you walks away with a sore butt.*
...You can`t stand it when other people (esp. non-band ones) hold your instrument, because it`s your "baby."*
...Your instrument and music is a nessecity when packing for a vacation.*
...You write "band geek" on everything you own - even your underwear.
...You know that the best part of a football game is halftime.*
...and people who think otherwise are weird.*
...The statement "there is life beyond band" holds no meaning for you.
...When you not only guess but know the tempo to all your favorites songs (heck, you even know the tempo for the songs you hate).
...You actually enjoy it when your band director sings your part to you.
...You think marching in a parade is fun.*
...and didn`t realize other people don`t.*
...You walk to the band room every morning and as often as you can, because you love it so dang much.*
...You`re in a wide open space and involuntarily start marching your show.
...You`re in a wide open space and purposely start marching your show.
...You`ve been to fifty football games and don`t remember anything but the middle of them.*
...Everyone around you cheers about something a football player did and you go "Huh??" because you were too busy looking through your music.*
...You actually believe the band director when he/she says "Ok, one more time!" (Yeah, right).
...You think the band sings better than the choir.
...The band really does sing better than the choir.
...Your favorite colors are the colors on your uniform.
...Your parents had to tie you up and pry your instrument out of your hands because you practice too much.
...You talk to your instrument, and tell it your problems.* seriously believe it will answer you.
...You make a homepage/website for your band because you love it so much.
...even though you suck at page making and don`t know how to do it.
...You would rather die than miss pracitce or a day of band camp.
...You know and believe that "winds kick brass."* know and believe that without the brass the band would be nothing.*
...Your computer background is of either your instrument or music-themed.*
...You can actually keep your white gloves white.* steal one of the band`s old marching uniforms because they`re going to throw them away, and you think they`re just too cool for that.*
...*clarinet players* you never wear skirts.* (because, you know, you can`t have proper posture in them without exposing yourself.) click drum cadences with your mouse.* try to write "bad" but it comes out "band".&`ve ever misread "bad" or "bond" as "band".* had to reread the last one to make sure it was three different words. know your director`s address. arrive at your band director`s house on a Saturday night, unexpected. steal band yard signs.
...and post them all over your director`s yard. get the director to call to the front office posing as your dad to you can go home and get your instrument.
- Curtosy of LeeAnn
...when you clean your instrument more than yourself.
The following ways You Know You`re A Band Nerd are curtosy of Shohreh
...all of your away messages on IM conclude that you`re practicing or doing band related stuff.
...for your english class, you write an award winning poem called Ode to Oboes.
...your friends can`t talk about sports with you because you start shrieking about band being a sport too.
...instead of worrying about college applications when you`re a junior, you worry about whether or not you`ll be nominated for drum major. spend your summer organizing band camp for next year because your band doesn`t have a director yet.*`re down at the school every day over summer vacation asking the principal when you`re getting a director.*
...there are two freshman kill days at your school: 1) the day before homecoming and 2) the first band trip of the season.
Curtosy of Danielle
...your friends form a high school band fraternity/sorority (is that legal?)
Curtosy of Danielle have your assistant band directors screen name on your buddy list... and actually use it.
Curtosy of Jen
The Following Ways You Know You`re A Band Nerd When are Curtosy of Under Appreciated Third Trumpet: join a drum corps for MORE band!
...your sock line will blind anyone - even if they`re wearing sunglasses and it`s pitch black outside. cry when you "age out" of DCI. plan to steal your band bag.`re the underappreciated one in your section, but you`ll show them when you make DCI and WIN the world championships.
...your favourite show is "Frameworks" [Cavaliers, 2002]. know that if you didn`t know that the Cavaliers did "Frameworks" in 2002 and got a 99.15 as their score, you`re no band nerd. buy/bought the Cavaliers `02 DVD. Just for Part III of the show.
...your drum major stole... uh, BORROWED, the Cavaliers` drum major`s salute. [At least, his `02 salute.] Uh... You mean, the Cavaliers` drum major stole your drum major`s salute. Before he even thought of doing it. spend most of your time discussing drum corps and which one you`re going to join.
The Following Ways You Know You`re A Band Nerd When are Curtosy of Michelle: consider your plume a fashion statement.
...when you say a band member`s name you follow it by their uniform numbers without realizing it. "Pauline 34 22 11" (hmm... no, we call that "You Know You`ve Been Uniform Manager for too Long When..." *g*)
...if someone is helping you get uniforms in order you never feel the need to classify a number as jacket, pants, sash, etc. because you assume everyone else knows what order you put them in, which ones are big or small, etc. (yeah... see above comments) drive over an hour out of your way, just to drop by your band director`s house and say hi. sleep march instead of sleepwalk. bake cookies for your band director when they have a bad day.* buy your band director a ps2 for his birthday, because when you were at his house you noticed he only had a ps1 and felt bad for him.* don`t know your left and right, only north and south.
Curtosy of Mara`ve had a "duct tape" experience.
...slides feel normal.* can make brown shoes look white.
...your uniform actually fits. think your plume is alive, even though you refer to it as a dead chicken.`d rather march than sleep.* use your chapstick and corckgrease interchangably.* major in music and use your high school band director as a model.* change instruments on the whim of your band director.* have perfect pitch.
The following "Ways You Know You`re A Band Nerd When" are curtosy of Hannah: get upset because they have to close the band hall early. actually like the smell of the band hall. never realized there was a smell to the band hall.
...people who you have never met refer to you as "that band girl/guy"* get the annual and flip to the band section, then put it away bc that is the only good thing to do with an annual.`ve never sat with your class at rallies because you`re always with the band.*
...the only reason you attend rallies anyway is to play with the band.* try to make reservations for the entire band at Denny`s, and get frustrated when they won`t let you.* all go to Denny`s anyway.* can play millions of pop tunes, but don`t know the words to any of them.* and your friends write out different length "La"s and try to guess the tune from the length of the "La"s (e.g. Laaa La Laaa La La La La La La La = intro to "On Wisconsin")* are actually fairly successful at guessing correctly.* yell "As you were, sir!" at your teachers when they give you a wrong answer. accidentally call your band director "Dad". think a national monument should be built honoring John Philip Sousa.
...better yet, they should just chip off one of those president heads and put it there.
...there`s manuscript print somewhere (e.g. book cover, poster, etc.) and people ask you what the chord progression is.* have dreams about selling band candy. can actually tell them the chord progression.*
...or several possible chord progressions if it`s only the melody written.* know the guard routine better than the guard captain. start screaming "LEFT! LEFT! LEFT!" to the people who walk in front of you in the halls. still have your band music from three years ago memorized. have "I love band" or "Band is cool" written on everything.* spend more time in the band room than most people do in full time jobs.
...not so unlike singers, you go around singing/humming the last song you practiced.*
...and you subconsciously finger along as you walk.* have a designated section in your closet for "concert attire".* accidentally start walking with your right foot, you have to skip to "get back in step".*
...even when you`re walking alone.* wear your uniform to class after taking pictures, because you`re too lazy to take it off.*
...or, because you think it`d be really cool.* write "Band" on a Nerds box and hang it in band land. jump up and down when you find out your band is getting new uniforms.
Curtosy of Jess
...or you get emotional because you miss the old uniforms.
Curtosy of Jess want to put your instrument on a pedistal but your afraid it will fall and break.
Curtosy of Alex purposely fail a required course so you can stay in marching band just one year longer. graduated four years ago, but all the freshmen still seem to know who you are.`re the band director`s favorite student.
..."on time" is late, and "early" is on time... so you show up fifteen minutes earlier than "early" so that you can be early.* go out to dinner (with all your band-nerdy friends, of course), and when you notice your director having dinner a few tables over, you call the waiter over and tell them it`s his birthday.*
...even though it isn`t.*
The Following are Curtosy of Mason:
...the presence of a marching band is major for criteria for deciding which college you go to.* and your band friends have your own table at the restaurant you always go to for dinner between marching band practice and the game.
...and they refer to you as "the band people." an affectionate nickname.
...and they give you free drinks because they know you`re practically broke from spending all your money on band gear. (Salutes to Granpa Groovey`s restaurant of Warrenton, VA!)
The Following are Curtosy of Elise:`ve formed a trio of clarinets that play "heart and soul" at football games.
...people tell you to shut up because you`re "making them look like bandfags." english essays you have to make sure you remove all musical terms before turning them in...i.e. "at the fine of the novel..."
...after marching a parade with half a reed while wearing cardboard shoes, you want to kill the rotc members who have coach buses and don`t win anything and still complain. dance class you are amazed at people who can`t form diagonals and believe that they would have been dead if they were in marching band.
...the percussion section creates an ensemble using plumbing equipment and a representation of your directors toilet reading "I <3 BAND."
The Following are Curtosy of Jeremy: have a collection of all the sheet music you have ever gotten, since 5th grade.
...but of course you didn`t need to keep it because you have it all memorized. know who Dr. Beat is. think color guard has a points system. have proof that color guard has a point system. (see tell football players to get off the band field. are addicted to used to have a non-band friend but you stopped hanging out with him because he kept harassing you about how much time you spend in the band room.
...not only do you have a website for your band, you have a website for your own individual baby, er, i mean instrument.