14:15 on Monday, July 25, 2005
i need some help on my endurance.
Does anyone know of any good endurance exercises?
After my warmup I`m kinda wornout, especially in the upper register.
Re: endurance
22:08 on Monday, July 25, 2005
endurance is a tough thing to work on because it takes a while to build up. What i would do is after your routine work on playing long tones. long start in pedal tone range work your way up keep going as high as you can go. Keep doing this till your lips are pliable mush. they should feel like they are like are dead. Ive been using this routine for 3 years and im almost up into the double c range. and i my endurance has gone increased.
Good luck
Re: endurance
00:14 on Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Re: endurance
13:29 on Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Without knowing how long you`ve been playing, or what your practice habits are all I can suggest is practicing longer, gradually working your way up the scale until you can comfortably hit high C after about 10 minutes of warmup. If you`re not practicing at least an hour a day you should start doing so, and increase your practice time five minutes or so per day until you can play song after song for 2 hours without your chops giving out on you. When you get there you should have enough endurance to get you through a concert of typical duration.
Re: endurance
13:46 on Tuesday, July 26, 2005
I should add that unfortunately there are no shortcuts to building range and endurance on trumpet. It takes time, patience, and determination. The amount of time it takes (i.e. months, years) is very dependent upon how much you practice. My normal routine consists of two practice sessions per day. During the first session I go through most if not all the major scales, then 5-10 minutes of slurring and tonguing exercises seeing how high I can play comfortably before I start playing songs. By the time I`ve played songs for 30 minutes I can easily cover my range (currently up to double E). Then I spend the next 30-45 minutes, or until I starting tiring, going back over the same songs concentrating on dynamics and articulation. I`ve been keeping that routine for the two years since I resumed playing trumpet after a layoff of 20+ years, and for the past year or so I`ve been able to make it comfortably through concerts lasting up to two hours. During the past 6-8 months I have noticed that I can play in the higher regsiters longer and more easily without struggling to keep a solid tone throughout my range.
Re: endurance
06:36 on Wednesday, August 3, 2005
I`ve had a major problem with endurance-and still do. I know everything to do to help increase it, but just can`t dicipline myself to do it!!
Is it your lips that are sore when u say u tire or the corners of your mouth? If its your mouth- thats a good sign(i think) because it means your working the muscles. If not, you`re using too much moutpiece pressure and may benefit from free lip buzzing..
Ididnt though. Lol. I realised that my playing embouchure is seperate to my "buzzing" one.
hope this helps
oh, and if you do manage to find something that works, share it wont u?