Re: Range
09:33 on Monday, September 12, 2005
well you might not be able to but I can, and i`m talking off the top, not bottom!!!
18:17 on Monday, September 12, 2005
warman, there are already thousands of comedians out of a job. Can you tell me what frequency that octuple G of yours is?
21:21 on Monday, September 12, 2005
I can break glass with it!!! I`m not sure about the frequency though.
07:37 on Tuesday, September 13, 2005
For your claims to be anywhere near valid you would have to be able to make an awful lot of pro`s look like amatuers, which you obviously are, both in your thinking and your playing. IF you could actually squeak out an octuple G it would be out of the range of the human ear.
Get real, and please quit lying to the honest people who frequent this forum.
20:28 on Tuesday, September 13, 2005
I agree, warman, if you took 9th grade science (which you obviously did not) you would know that the human ear can hear frequencies of about 20-20000 hertz. that G you claim to be able to hit is way above 20000 hertz. Get real, you are no superman.
07:25 on Wednesday, September 14, 2005
I think it`s time to impose the Law of Logical Argument, which states; "Anything is possible if you don`t know what you`re talking about."
thank you
15:34 on Wednesday, September 14, 2005
that is very logical ^. When I took ninth grade scince it was biology, which is required before you can move on to teh other physical scinces.
18:15 on Wednesday, September 14, 2005
When I took General Science (9th grade) and Biology (10th grade), they were two separate courses taught from two completely separate text books, and Biology was about plants and animals, cells, gametophytes and such, not about the physical sciences, speed of light, boiling and freezing points of various liquids, etc. Regardless, if the course you took included information about the range of the normal human ear, you should know as well as others that even if you could hit an octuple G, which we know you cannot, there would be no way to prove it.
Re: Range
18:23 on Wednesday, September 14, 2005
In answer to an earlier question, Double C would be the second C above staff. So the octuple G warman fantasizes about would be 2 1/2 octaves above that.
Oh...sorry to embarass you warman, but you have truly been caught in a gigantic lie.
19:13 on Wednesday, September 14, 2005
well... i can play an octuple g to... u just can`t hear it. lol jk.
19:57 on Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Hey Derek!
I already used the joke about hitting a note so high no one can hear it. Smiles and a good buddy handshake.
who horsy
21:24 on Wednesday, September 14, 2005
nah, you daid a double C was the one above the staff. Do a double G would be above that, and a octuple G (8) is the 8th G above the staff. Oh, and i got it to actuple G# today.
21:46 on Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Wasn`t me that said double C was first above the staff. Double C is two octaves above concert Bb, which makes it second C above staff, or four steps below double G, which (for the elite few "pros" who can hit it) will likely never be used other than for rather wild improvisation. No matter how much further this thread runs, it takes a lot more than being able to squeak out doubles to make a quality trumpet player.
quad c recording
22:52 on Wednesday, September 14, 2005
ok im going to post a link, im going to offer a recording of some italian guy going up to a "quad c." I dont think it was edited so i think its real. Anywho just download it, oh and dont click on remove download when youre done, let other people download it to. If its not working reply here. Laters, oh I have Bb`s above high C. My range started clicking for me this summer, boy that hard work really paid off! Lates.
factual tidbits
19:06 on Thursday, September 15, 2005
Here`s some information for all the physics nerds here:
The range of frequencies a normal human ear can detect is from approximately 20 - 20 000 Hz. The note A above middle C has a frequency of 440 Hz. The "quad C" (concert Bb) that we`re talking about has a frequency of approximately 1864.655 Hz. Human ears can detect sounds with frequencies far greater than quad C, but trumpeters cannot necessarily play that high. In theory, all brass instruments have an infinite range, but human lungs cannot produce an airstream with a high enough velocity to reach these notes.