To begin, thank you to everyone for your assistance with my previous question.
I have made the chioce on which instrument to buy, and yet I have more questions. I need help with the buzzing? (lip and mouthpiece) I have found several sources on the internet on the how to`s of buzzing, but I am not sure if I properly excecuting the instructions? I know that the more I practice the better I should get (in theory) but I need to know that what I am practicing is being done correctly? Unfortunately I am having a very difficult time finding somewhere that gives lessons. The initial place where I started doing my research on "brass instruments" has gone out of business.
Aly and all assistance would be greatly appreciated!
Re: The Buzzing..... 10:05 on Wednesday, May 28, 2003
(Trumpet Dude)
Posted by Archived posts
Ok first pers your lips so that your chin is flat<I can send you a pic>. Then you place your lips semi softly onto the mouth piece and blow. Don`t let your lips vibrate like you are blowing a cherry. You just blow past your lips that are semi tight on the mouth piece and your lips will kinda do it for ya.
Re: The Buzzing..... 20:57 on Friday, February 4, 2005
Posted by Archived posts
YAY!! trumpet hee hee. try to relax when you play high notes