King Tempo 600

King Tempo 600    17:48 on Wednesday, September 28, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

My knowledge about trumpets is very little.

I bought my younger brother a King Tempo 600 off of ebay for about $180. There`s not much laquer wear, but the bell is very slightly misshapened probably from being tipped over. It also has minor dents and scratches, nothing really noticeable. The case has a hole in the corner and a few cracks. The valves have a mother of pearl inlay and move freely and the slider thing just needs to be greased up.

Basically, what I`m asking is if I got a pretty good deal or if i got ripped off. How much do King`s cost new? What is the difference between a King Tempo 600 and a King 600? Thanks, I really appreciate your help.

Re: King Tempo 600    03:09 on Sunday, October 2, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

You didn`t get a good deal, but you weren` ripped off. You can get most of the dents and stuff taken out at a local music repair shop. A new one would probably cost 3 or 4 times what you paid.


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