Not completely true . . . .
While it IS mostly your chops doing the work, using the same valves as the other actaves of the same note is easier, in my opinion.
Yeah, you can lip it if you want, but using the same valve combinations is easier.
--That's octaves, not actaves . . . . typos, sorry.
Re: peddel notes 18:32 on Thursday, August 31, 2006
The fingerings for pedal tones, which are essentially those notes below staff, should be in the front or back of probably any method book you should have used to date. Pedal F can be reached by playing 123 with your third valve and/or 1st valve slides extended to get that extra step of low range. If your horn doesn't have a first slide thumb saddle and a third slide finger ring you might be in a bind when it comes to pedal F.