jazz improv
16:48 on Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Hey, I was just wondering if anyone wanted to share any licks and stuff that they use playing improv, since I learn all my improv technique from myself, I wanted some more input
Re: jazz improv
21:25 on Wednesday, January 14, 2004
(Joseph Daniel Boyd)
sometimes I don`t even think about the music I just play what I feel so I don`t realy memorize many of my licks every solo of mine is unique
Re: jazz improv
13:21 on Thursday, January 15, 2004
(Tom Burger)
If I play and I don`t have clear/nice ideas, then I usually take a CD and just listen to licks they are playing.
I find that Armstrong has easy tunes and licks to figure out from CD. But I don`t know if you like his style.
- Tom