Returning to my trumpet

Returning to my trumpet    01:06 on Wednesday, May 20, 2009          

(1 point)
Posted by DCMarc

Hello al,

I was once a very good trumpet player.... I have never lost that passion and miss performing, which I have received quite a few offers recently to perform again. (which is pretty much off of prior playing)

Well, I now have the time so my questions are:

* What would you all recommend in the way of exercises?
* What mouthpiece would be recommended? (Currently I THINK im using a 7m or 3c, It doesn't
show. I know it isnt a 7C

Thanks in advance.... I would appreciate any comments


Re: Returning to my trumpet    15:34 on Wednesday, May 20, 2009          

(3 points)
Posted by jmurphy

I recommend finding a good local teacher who can help you through rebuilding your air flow and embouchure. The James Stamp Daily Warm-Ups, James Thompson Buzzing Basics: Complete Method, and the Arban's are excellent books to start with. Also recommended is a BERP to help with air management, and embouchure.

Mouthpieces are a source of frustration for everyone, including pros. Try out several, and remember that mouthpieces don't hit high notes, the player does. The upper register is all about fast air. The BERP, combined with the buzzing exercises, will help you get that air flowing properly.

Having said that, the right mouthpiece depends on you. The Bach 7C is a middle-of-the road mouthpiece. Depending on the sound you want will factor into mouthpiece choice. The larger mouthpieces (smaller numbers in the Bach system) will provide more resonance but also more resistance in the upper register, while smaller mouthpieces can help facilitate higher register playing with the drawback of limiting resonance in the lower and mid registers.

Mouthpiece selection takes time, patience, and a lot of experimentation.

Good luck with your return to the horn!

John-Andrew Murphy
Trumpet Specialist
The Woodwind & Brasswind
South Bend, IN


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