Re: Can a trumpet player earn good money as a professional player?
Re: Can a trumpet player earn good money as a professional player?
09:08 on Wednesday, January 14, 2004
To the most intelligent goes the spoils
23:54 on Wednesday, February 18, 2004
(Ryan TC)
Well... it seems that the lot of you are trying to make this call by throwing things to chance and praying for "talent." What happened to good old fashioned practice? Anyone can become really good at trumpet AND make good money at it IF you are willing to practice consistently, good solid hours EVERY day. But even that isn`t enough, you must also practice correctly... know when to rest, how to change the way you`re playing to get better, etc. But talent doesn`t get you much past your first few years of playing. If you`re smart enough, and dedicated enough, you can make very good money at playing trumpet... Im sure arturo is living pretty well, and his playing isn`t talent, it came from practicing everyday in Cuba trying to fill the walls of a baseball stadium using just his horn.
You can`t live on it, usually
17:38 on Thursday, September 23, 2004
I play every weekend in a funk band. After 15 years of professional sub playing, I have finally got the steady gig. We play for anywhere from 700-3000/night.
But- that splits 8 ways. Then taxes. Then maintenance and such. So my best year as a pro has brought me in about 10k for the year. You can`t live on it, but hey, add that to my day job and I am VERY HAPPY.
Having been the same place you were, I am glad that I got my education in business, secured my paycheck, then sought the playing jobs wherever I found them. I play more than most trumpet players here in KC, but I wouldn`t be able to eat if I didn`t make other plans.
On the talent thing, all the talent in the world is nothing without the opportunity to use it. Do your best with every opportunity you have, make a good showing with everyone that calls you to play and eventually you will be the steady guy and not the sub. Always dream, and keep it up, and you will play as much as you want to!
Make a good buck...
08:48 on Saturday, September 25, 2004
If you seriously want to msake a living from it, then put your effort into getting a Music Qualification so you can teach it. Join the Military Bands, or go for a steady income with Education or Orchestral (very competitive).
One thing though, commit fully to it and be a "good" trumpet player, reliable to be there, and take every opportunity.
I took the easy path when my crossroad came,(after Science-Study,Uni),and took a good paying day job. Playing then became a second job, then hobby as family takes over. No regrets, and happy so far. At that Crossroad for the decision you need to be a commited "good to excellent" established trumpeter, or it is too hard not to go for the easy money job.
I believe you need to aim for the Educational Qualification to allow a fall-back position for a basic wage, then it is trully is a love of playing that will get you there - with reasonable income to match.