Jazzy816 (1 point)
Hi there!
First off, sorry if this is in the wrong area. I didn't feel like it went in orchestral or big band so I put it here.
So I recently finished a run of Legally Blonde in my local community theater production. We have a very talented cast so needless to say, it was a very good performance overall. I have been involved in numerous pit orchestra settings for lots of different musicals and something about this one has just stuck with me. I love everything about it and really hope to be able to be a part of more productions of this show. We had the original show books for the music and I am KICKING myself for not taking pictures of the music; I want to play it and get good at. My question: is there any way to get either the Trumpet/Flugel 1 book or just get the entire show for Trumpet/Flugel 1 (doesn't HAVE to be the book). I want the music for personal use and will not be distributing it in any way. I have checked on a lot of sheet music sites and only come up with a few of the more popular songs. I am not a school or organization so I don't think MTI would approve me licensing the entire show and its' materials just to get the trumpet book. If there isn't a way to get it, does anyone have the book and or all the music that would be willing to share it with me? As I said, I will be using this solely for personal use and won't be distributing/showcasing/selling/ or doing anything else illegal with it.
Sidenote: My local highschool is looking for a musical for this year. They want it to be fun, possibly comical, have a female lead role, have a "large cast", and to have some fun music. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Last question I promise: Mouthpieces that create a good pit-orchestra tone? Just wondering what other seasoned musical players use.
Thanks for everything in advance!