My daughter has recently passed her Grade 5 trumpet exam.I bought an Arnolds and Sons TR-5200S, when I upgraded her last trumpet, a couple of years ago and was told this was a good intermediate trumpet. However, her teacher has now said the valves are too slow!
I don't want to pay a fortune for a trumpet which potentially she could leave on a train on her way into school, however don't want to hold her back. Should I try and upgrade her trumpet again, and which trumpet would you advise?
Re: Which trumpet 03:05 on Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Here's an idea:- why not keep your trumpet for the time being and replace the valve springs with some stiffer ones? If your daughter's fingers are strong enough to depress stronger springs (choose how stiff her springs are) it will increase the valve speed. Keep the present springs in case you need them.
Re: Which trumpet 07:31 on Monday, January 1, 2018
Another idea for you:- why not attach the handle of her trumpet case to her wrist with a short strap. This would act as a reminder when she goes to leave the train etc. Have you asked her trumpet teacher what trumpet has faster valves?