What is your favorite way to play vibrato?
22:56 on Thursday, January 29, 2004
Do you like doing vibrato with your jaw or hand? The hand one is definately easier, but I haven`t done much with my jaw so I can`t tell which is better.
Re: What is your favorite way to play vibrato?
16:13 on Friday, January 30, 2004
I`d say I prefer vibrato with my belley muscle... it is slower but give a good sound. If not... I prefer mouth. Hand is goos also. depensds on how I feel and what im playing
Re: What is your favorite way to play vibrato?
19:18 on Saturday, January 31, 2004
All in the mouth. So it doesn`t look like you`re having a seizure while using the hands.
Re: What is your favorite way to play vibrato?
20:55 on Friday, March 5, 2004
with the hands vibrato changes pitch. use the mouth it`s harder but sounds and looks much better and once youv`e mastered it directors will think highly of you
Re: What is your favorite way to play vibrato?
21:58 on Friday, March 5, 2004
do brass not ever play vibrato with the throat or diaphragm??
Re: What is your favorite way to play vibrato?
11:32 on Sunday, March 7, 2004
It`s hard to play virbrato with your throat without it turning into a flutter tongue, and it`s hard to play with your diaphragm without it turning into a flex slur. I usually just nod or shake my head slightly to give it a good vibrato. It`s very warm and you can control the rate a lot better. Do whatever works best for you, though.
Re: What is your favorite way to play vibrato?
17:52 on Tuesday, March 9, 2004
I use my throat and diaphragm. Kinda came naturally but gives a nice effortless sound. If it needs to be stronger then i use my jaw. I never use my hand though. I get really bad control and it`s just uncomfortable. I find it often sounds bad as the embouchure changes slightly and so the sound changes pitch.
Re: What is your favorite way to play vibrato?
21:25 on Monday, March 15, 2004
I reckon people think they use their jaw but i dont think this would is all that effective. If you think about it, using your jaw will move the lips thus displacing the embouchere. I find I can get a variety of vibrato styles by moving the back of the tounge in the same way you would move your jaw to manipulate the airstream. Works for me! Give it a go.
Re: What is your favorite way to play vibrato?
22:46 on Saturday, March 20, 2004
you should never use your throat. it will make ur tone sound like crap